Teampall Tradition / Ritual in Jethiea | World Anvil


The Teampall festival is celebrated at the end of the Barkfall season at the start of the Tempest season. In modern calendars, it falls on the new moon cycle in of the month of Sudreisen. The Teampall was the time when the Tuathians believed that the veil between all "Otherworlds" (Planes), and Jenthia was thin enough to travel between with limited amounts of magic.

They believed that it was on this day that Asgorath, the World Shaper was cast out to wander eternally through the "Otherworlds". The celebration is dedicated to speaking with those that have passed on to the other side so they can help find and draw Asgorath back so he could once again pass through the planes and return to Asgorath. 

Dragons and the dead are often attributed to this festival since the dead are often spoken to and celebrated. Many rituals and ceremonies that attempt to communicate and travel between the planes and speak with the dead are conducted during this time. 


The Tuathians would stop and call an armistice of any wars or conflicts during this time until the time of the Windchange so family members could return to their homelands and commune with their ancestors and migrate if necessary.

Components and tools

  • Sugar Skulls
  • Face painting
  • preserved and mummified corpses on display


  • Parades and festivals during the day
  • Starting at Dusk and throughout the evening picnics and feasts in the catacombs, cemeteries, and graveyards

Primary Related Location


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