Tharizdun "The Dark One", The Chained Titan"

Tharizdun is the Dawn Titan of Eternal Darkness suffused with negative energy. He is as a matter at rest and decay of energy, likened to entropy. Described as a pitch-black, roiling, amorphous form. The Dark One, is also depicted as an incorporeal wraithform, black and faceless. As the Dark One, Tharizdun is credited for the creation of corruption which he infected Jethiea with by his touch during the creation.

Many of the ancient writings of the Danu, especially of The Dark One have been lost to the ages. But, before the War of the Gods, mostly likely during the “Great Era of Worship”, Tharizdun was imprisoned by his own kind; the Danu. Though it is said Aldolar, and the greater gods were involved as well. It is said that both Danu and the Creator gods worked together to ensure his imprisonment.

Though his imprisoned location is unknown, it is believed that the prison may weaken at times allowing his influence to creep out into the planes and worlds beyond. Even imprisoned, he managed to find a way to influence some, causing them to believe he is a primordial seeking to destroy the gods who imprisoned him.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

His symbols are a dark spiral rune depicting a “black sun with variegated rays” and a two-tiered inverted ziggurat known as an obex.
Divine Classification
Danu - Imprisoned

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