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Beshi Dominion

Nine hundred years ago the Elves of Sapportia sailed east and established trading colonies...Over the next few centuries the settlements prospered and grew as they began to encounter more local elven clans. These interactions laid the foundations of what would become the Beshi Empire.

  -Revised history of the Era of Warring Clans - 25 BS   Long before the Sundering the Elves of Sapportia sailed to Ozeroth. Five centuries after their arrival they would control almost the entirety of the southern half of the continent. Two centuries after that they would be the dominant power in all of Ozerath. At it's peak the Beshi Dominion reached from Thelsera in the Southeast to what would become Illexbrook in the Northwest. From Antakas to the Adderton Range.  
The three Beshi Successor kingdoms
Riminav, Digari, Al'Wara.
  Then The Sundering happened.


When her twin brother Me’Heldar died of a snakebite 155 years into his regency, his sister Aimar realized the importance of a strong successor and leadership when she was gone. She eventually approached Rusari primarch of the At’Shi dominion and Behtarch of Loar. In a grand ceremony known as the Lind’Minidai the two clan leaders met in the grand square of Thelsera and joined not only themselves and their families but their control on the Al’Waran Basin and the northern Digari highlands. In this union the two chieftains decided to rename their new family and bloodline Be’Shi in honor of the newborn country.  

665 BS - 52 AS

Geopolitical, Empire
Alternative Names
The Elven Empire, The Dominion
Successor Organizations
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Theocratic
Power Structure
Feudal state
Related Ethnicities


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