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Kingdom of Ostrovia

At it's height the Kingdom of Ostrovia stretched from the Palgoan Wetlands to the edges of the White Ridge Mountains, and from the shores of Lake Tive to the foothills of the Birtal Mountains. Ruled from the Capital of Devlin , Ostrovia was the first of the Aldani kingdoms.


The first of the Aldani to set their sights on something bigger than the immediate area was High Chief Istrias of Devlin, who united the six river tribes of the Ostrov Basin at the battle of Alvic’s Ford. Over the next two decades he would continue to expand his reach. First south to the Balgari Woodlands, capturing the city of Al-de Har in 180 and the hilltop stronghold of Garnor-Tir in 182. The final decisive battle came in 186 at Lanthis Pass. Ostrovian forces managed to ambush the forces of two Balgari Chiefs as they marched through the pass. Istrias then began to look eastward toward the Aderton Range and it’s fertile volcanic soil. Between 190 and 198 Istrias would wage three wars against King Verth II and his son King Vergarnin of Kirnon. Istrias died in 206as. The Ostrovian Kingdom would reach its height in 219 under Istrias’s son King Balnora. Balnora added the rest of the Aderton Range in 209 and the Vinburg Valley in 219. Ostrovia would last for three more generations. Until Devlin was sacked in 343 by the Stormtusk Horde as they swept north from the Birtal Peaks and ravaged much of southern Aldani.

176 AS - 421 AS

Geopolitical, Kingdom
Successor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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