The Asomians make up the largest portion of the people of the Hamil Ainsolof region.
As the region is largely ocean with islands in between, the people are historically ocean-going.
The Asomian complexion, like their close relatives, is that of bronze skin with a similarly darkened blond hair. Their eyes tend towards brown and blue, although green is not unheard of.
Naming Traditions
Feminine names
Aana, Aano, Pharja, Fatj.
Masculine names
Oon, Oona, Merhem, Merol.
Family names
Hak, Al'Ghul, Rasgarabi.
Major language groups and dialects
The Asomian language is the most common tongue among the Asomians.
Major organizations
The Empire of Asomia.
Encompassed species
Related Organizations