
The Gaew is a bovine creature, bearing large horns that stretch out to the side of its heads. It is related to the bovines of the many other continents. Its closest relatives are found throughout Fripperland, although its largest populations are in the northern and western parts of the landmass. Within the continent there are several different breeds or subspecies. The ones of the valleys and lowlands are less heavily coated and have larger horns than their cousins do. The ones of the mountains, such as those in Callaud, meanwhile bear great coats for warmth and bear noticeably smaller horns than their lowland cousins do. In the south of the continent, yet, live the lithe and quicker breeds of the Gaew, typically living on less and migrating more.  


Although often used for physical labor throughout their geographic range, they have always had other uses. Meat, of course, is one of their prime products. Although it was not typically very common for an average family to slaughter their livestock for meat unless on special occasions, for those of higher wealth it made up a larger part of their diet. The nomadic peoples of the continent, in particular, ate Gaew flesh more commonly. However in the modern era, the meat of the Gaew became one of the region's greatest exports. Cattle raising overtook many other aspects of the economy in parts of Fripperland as they fell behind much of the rest of the rest of the world in economic complexity. As it was not too common for the Gaew to be slaughtered at any given time, their main use other than labor was milk and, in the mountains especially, fur. Used for drink, both as is and fermented, for butter and cheese, and even for things such as wax, Gaew milk was a majorly important resource for the communities of Fripperland. Fur, of course, was historically used for warmth. In the mountains, such as in Callaud, the Gaew would grow huge coats in the cold winters. In the summers, these great coats would be sheared and used in order to create fur clothing for the Humans for the next winter.


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