
Tolsanianism is the Manslati of the eastern school, established by the Grand Tyoro Tolsan of Illist, who saw the events at the fire of Pazan and lived the rest of his life infirm and screaming of the visions he witnessed in the flames. Many of his acolytes claimed to be able to see the visions in their dreams even clearer in the flames, and ever since they have kept a series of holy flames lit across the land and cities, in worship of the Holy flame which while material, burns away at all around it before being snuffed out itself. A clear parallel to the lives of man, and a gift from the Omnissiah that is not to be forsaken, the other Manslati view Tolsanianists as clear perverters of the faith, while Tolsanianists see other Manslati as lost, looking for a guide in life when the fire sat right before them. Tolsanists enlightened have no time for monasteries, they must travel the land to help the common people, and bring fire to the darkness.


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