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Faith of the Maiden

Welcome to the extraordinary world of Jord, where the Faith of the Maiden shines as a beacon of strength and enlightenment. Rooted in the history of the former Kingdom of Ardania, this fantastical religion traces its origins four hundred years prior to the Plague Wars. The Faith of the Maiden finds its inspiration in the valiant principles and personal beliefs of the enigmatic Crimson Maiden Rimsel. Although Rimsel did not directly establish the religion, her martial practices and profound convictions formed the bedrock upon which the Faith of the Maiden was built.   What sets this faith apart from many others in Jord is its rejection of traditional hierarchical structures. Instead, it thrives within various martial and military orders that span the realm. Here, the Maiden's teachings unite individuals from all walks of life, be they part of knightly orders, local militias, or any other background.   At the heart of the Faith of the Maiden lies a powerful message of liberation from gender roles. Being founded around the central figure of a woman, the religion embraces the inherent strength, wisdom, and valor found in all individuals, regardless of gender. This has resulted in a significant number of warrior women traditions, whose legacy echoes through the annals of history.   Within the Faith, women from diverse backgrounds and experiences proudly carry the mantle of warriors, defying societal norms that once sought to constrain their roles. Empowered by the Maiden's teachings, these fearless women demonstrate their prowess on the battlefield and beyond.   The Faith of the Maiden emphasizes the belief that honor and justice know no gender, and each individual is called to uphold their own unique code of conduct. In the eyes of the Maiden, protecting the weak and standing against injustice are virtues shared by all, regardless of gender.   It is through the fusion of martial valor, personal honor, and an appreciation for life's splendors that the followers of the Maiden find purpose and direction. The religion celebrates the strength and contributions of all its adherents, fostering a society where gender equality is not just a distant dream but a living reality.   Thus, the Faith of the Maiden shines as a radiant embodiment of unity and inclusivity, a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit. In a world that once confined women to rigid roles, the faith's warrior women traditions have emerged as a symbol of courage, defying conventions and inspiring generations to come.


In the world of Jord, the Faith of the Maiden has given rise to several renowned orders, each embracing the core principles of the faith in their unique ways. The Sword Maidens: A revered martial order consisting of warrior women who dedicate their lives to upholding the tenets of the Faith of the Maiden. Beyond their formidable combat skills, Sword Maidens are known for their impartiality and commitment to justice. They often serve as esteemed judges in both small and large communities, ensuring fair and just resolutions to disputes. Despite being a relatively small order, their influence extends throughout the Easterlands, where ancient compacts grant them easy access to courts in multiple realms. The Swordmaidens' wisdom and courage make them a beacon of hope for those seeking justice in troubled times.   Free Swords: The term "Free Sword" encompasses those who wholeheartedly follow the Faith of the Maiden but have chosen not to align themselves with specific martial orders. These individuals embrace the principles of the faith and its call for living life to the fullest while adhering to their own personal code of honor and justice. Free Swords often find themselves in diverse professions, with many joining adventuring or mercenary bands, where their valor and sense of purpose contribute to countless tales of heroism and daring escapades.   The Crimson Order: Among the orders that draw inspiration from the Faith of the Maiden, the Crimson Order stands out for its intense focus on the battle aspect of the faith. The members of this order exhibit an almost fanatical devotion to the path of conflict, seeking to immerse themselves in the crimson hue of their perceived enemies. Warbands from the Crimson Order are feared for their ferocity, and they are known to instigate confrontations to achieve their martial objectives. While their zealous nature may evoke apprehension from some, their unwavering dedication and battlefield prowess have earned them a formidable reputation.   These orders, born from the teachings of the Faith of the Maiden, represent the diverse paths that individuals can take in pursuit of justice, honor, and the appreciation of life's wonders. Whether through the disciplined wisdom of the Swordmaidens, the independent spirit of the Free Swords, or the unyielding zeal of the Crimson Order, each order plays a significant role in shaping the narrative of Jord and stands as a testament to the enduring power of the Maiden's teachings.


The Faith of the Maiden, true to its principles of justice, honor, and appreciation of life, is an all-encompassing religion that welcomes individuals from all walks of life, irrespective of gender and sexuality. Its teachings are grounded in the belief that strength, courage, and wisdom are not bound by such distinctions but are inherent qualities present in every soul.   From its inception, the Faith has been shaped by the wisdom of the enigmatic Crimson Maiden, Rimsel. Her profound insight is embodied in the foundational statement, "Any can take the sword if they have the will to be a beacon for others." This declaration serves as a guiding light for the faith's adherents, emphasizing that the call to follow the path of the Maiden is open to all who possess the unwavering determination to serve as a guiding force for their communities and beyond.   Within the traditions of the Faith, gender is not a defining factor for one's eligibility to join its martial orders or embrace its teachings. The Swordmaidens, as a martial order of warrior women, serve as a testament to the inclusivity of the Faith. Though primarily comprised of women, they do not exclude individuals based on gender but rather unite those who share the same commitment to uphold the tenets of the Maiden.   Moreover, the Free Swords, who choose not to affiliate with specific orders, are a diverse group of individuals who wholeheartedly follow the Faith's principles. Regardless of gender or sexuality, they embrace the call to live life to the fullest, adhering to their own personal codes of honor and justice while pursuing their chosen paths.   The Crimson Order, driven by their devotion to the battle aspect of the Faith, similarly accepts individuals from all backgrounds, recognizing that valor and strength are not confined to any specific gender or sexual orientation.   In the eyes of the Faith of the Maiden, the strength of an individual's character and their dedication to justice and honor are what truly matter. The faith does not impose restrictive gender roles or prejudiced beliefs but encourages its followers to be authentic to themselves, embracing their own truths as they embark on their journeys.   Thus, the Faith of the Maiden stands as a beacon of inclusivity and acceptance in a world where differences are celebrated rather than discouraged. Its teachings foster a community where individuals of all genders and sexualities are encouraged to shine as beacons of light, illuminating the path of justice, honor, and appreciation for all.

Divine Origins

Welcome to the extraordinary world of Jord, where the Faith of the Maiden shines as a beacon of strength and enlightenment. Rooted in the history of the former Kingdom of Ardania, this fantastical religion traces its origins four hundred years prior to the Plague Wars. The Faith of the Maiden finds its inspiration in the valiant principles and personal beliefs of the enigmatic Crimson Maiden Rimsel. Although Rimsel did not directly establish the religion, her martial practices and profound convictions formed the bedrock upon which the Faith of the Maiden was built.   What sets this faith apart from many others in Jord is its rejection of traditional hierarchical structures. Instead, it thrives within various martial and military orders that span the realm. Here, the Maiden's teachings unite individuals from all walks of life, be they part of knightly orders, local militias, or any other background.   At the heart of the Faith of the Maiden lies a powerful message of liberation from gender roles. Being founded around the central figure of a woman, the religion embraces the inherent strength, wisdom, and valor found in all individuals, regardless of gender. This has resulted in a significant number of warrior women traditions, whose legacy echoes through the annals of history.   Within the Faith, women from diverse backgrounds and experiences proudly carry the mantle of warriors, defying societal norms that once sought to constrain their roles. Empowered by the Maiden's teachings, these fearless women demonstrate their prowess on the battlefield and beyond.   The Faith of the Maiden emphasizes the belief that honor and justice know no gender, and each individual is called to uphold their own unique code of conduct. In the eyes of the Maiden, protecting the weak and standing against injustice are virtues shared by all, regardless of gender.   It is through the fusion of martial valor, personal honor, and an appreciation for life's splendors that the followers of the Maiden find purpose and direction. The religion celebrates the strength and contributions of all its adherents, fostering a society where gender equality is not just a distant dream but a living reality.   Thus, the Faith of the Maiden shines as a radiant embodiment of unity and inclusivity, a testament to the enduring strength of the human spirit. In a world that once confined women to rigid roles, the faith's warrior women traditions have emerged as a symbol of courage, defying conventions and inspiring generations to come.


The Faith of the Maiden, a bastion of valor and enlightenment, upholds a set of tenets that guide its followers on the path of justice, honor, and the appreciation of life. These sacred principles serve as beacons of inspiration and wisdom, binding the faithful together in their pursuit of a higher calling. The tenets of the Faith of the Maiden are as follows:   Embrace the Moment: Live fully in the present, for life is a fleeting gift. Cherish each moment and make the most of every opportunity, for the past is gone, and the future is yet to come.   Uphold Honor and Justice: Adhere to a personal code of honor and strive to be a paragon of justice. Let your actions be guided by fairness and righteousness, standing firm against cruelty and oppression.   Protect the Weak: Stand as a shield for those who cannot defend themselves. Champion the cause of the vulnerable, lending your strength to protect them from harm.   Find Truth Within: Your honor and truth are uniquely yours. Embrace your authentic self, for denying your own convictions will lead to a life unfulfilled.   Embrace Life's Wonders: Do not forget to revel in the beauty of existence, for life is a journey to be appreciated. Find joy in the simple pleasures and marvel at the world's mysteries.   Seek Wisdom: Pursue knowledge and wisdom tirelessly, for understanding the world is a path to enlightenment. Be open to learning from all sources, be they ancient tomes or humble experiences.   Defy Fear: Fear has no place in the heart of the faithful. Embrace courage in the face of adversity, for bravery is the beacon that guides us through the darkest nights.   Forgive and Heal: Embrace the power of forgiveness, for holding grudges only poisons the soul. Offer healing and compassion to yourself and others, for redemption is a path to growth.   Strive for Balance: Seek harmony in all aspects of life. Balance your duties as a warrior and a philosopher, understanding that one complements the other.   Never Run from Just Battle: Stand your ground in a just battle, for it is your duty to defend what is right. However, avoid wasteful conflicts that bring only needless suffering and destruction.   By living in accordance with these tenets, the faithful of the Maiden honor the legacy of the Crimson Maiden Rimsel, becoming beacons of light and hope in a world often shrouded in darkness. Their unwavering commitment to justice, tempered with wisdom and restraint, ensures that their battles are fought with purpose and resolve, always striving for a world where honor and peace prevail.

Any can take the sword if they have the will to be a beacon for others.

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