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The Church of the Dawn

Behold the oppressive dominion of the Church of the Dawn, reigning for a thousand relentless years in the realm of Jord. Forged in the distant annals of history, this tyrannical religion emerged from the abyss of time, its origin shrouded in darkness and veiled in secrecy.   The Mound Imperial, a place of dreadful reverence, cradles the sinister heart of this malevolent institution. Here, within its foreboding walls, the Church weaves its insidious web, ensnaring the minds and souls of the hapless masses.   The Church's strict and unyielding hierarchy instills fear and subjugation among its followers. The Ordo Militant, a ruthless arm of the faith, comprises witch hunters and merciless paladins, imposing an iron-fisted grip on dissent and disobedience.   Deeper still, the Ordo Transcendent, an enigmatic cadre of priests, clerics, and monks, orchestrates their oppressive rituals and indoctrination. The weight of their doctrine bears down upon the minds of the devoted, crushing individuality beneath the heel of conformity.   And there lies the Ordo Repentia, a sinister branch devoted to extinguishing all heresy and dissent. They hunt down hostile magic users with relentless fervor, leaving no room for doubt or deviation from their ruthless creed.   At the pinnacle of this malevolent hierarchy, Bishops, Archbishops, and the despotic High Patriarch rule with unyielding authority, their commands echoing across the land like thunderous decrees.   Within these darkened walls, the Church enforces strict adherence to archaic gender and social roles, weaving a suffocating tapestry of oppression and submission. The gods they worship, each bearing a dread name, are subservient to the Light of Truth—a force they insist cannot be challenged.   A millennium of unyielding rule has etched the Church's dark mark upon the souls of its subjects. Fear and conformity fuel the machinery of its authority, leaving little room for free will or independent thought.   Enter now, if you dare, into the grim world of Jord, where the Church of the Dawn broods like an eternal shadow. Witness the relentless grip of its oppressive doctrines as they suffocate hope and dissent, and behold the fervent faithful, blindly marching towards an uncertain fate in the unyielding embrace of the malevolent Light.


The Ordo Militant

The Ordo Militant, the grim and formidable military arm of the Church of the Dawn, strikes terror into the hearts of the faith's adversaries. Forged in the crucible of zealotry and fervent devotion, this darkened legion stands as a relentless bulwark against any who dare challenge the authority of the Church.   Clad in ominous black armor adorned with intricate symbols of the Light, the members of the Ordo Militant are a sight to behold. Their faces concealed beneath shadowed visors, they project an air of menacing anonymity, their very presence a chilling reminder of the Church's unyielding dominion.   Witch hunters, the ruthless vanguards of the Ordo Militant, prowl the shadows with an unrelenting thirst for heresy. Armed with silver-bladed daggers and blessed weaponry, they relentlessly hunt down practitioners of forbidden magic and those who dare to oppose the Church's doctrines. Their eyes gleam with a fanatical fervor, reflecting the unforgiving resolve that drives them to stamp out any hint of magical dissent.   Standing alongside the witch hunters are the paladins, holy warriors who wield divine might in the name of the Light. Clad in the finest plate armor, their imposing presence inspires fear and reverence among the Church's followers. With holy symbols emblazoned upon their shields, they march into battle, embodying the Church's martial prowess and unwavering faith.   These warriors are not just guardians of the faith; they are instruments of the Church's inquisition. Within their darkened halls, the Ordo Militant conducts clandestine trials, subjecting suspected heretics to harsh interrogations and torturous methods in the pursuit of uncovering hidden enemies of the faith.   The Ordo Militant's indomitable loyalty to the High Patriarch and the Church's doctrines knows no bounds. They execute their duty with a chilling efficiency, guided by an unquestioning belief in the righteousness of their cause. To oppose the Ordo Militant is to invite swift retribution, for they are the unyielding fist of the Church, ready to crush any who dare to defy the oppressive authority of the Light.   As the shadows lengthen and the night falls upon the world of Jord, the Ordo Militant emerges from its foreboding fortress, ready to enforce the Church's will. In the pitch-black of night, their presence is felt like an oppressive weight upon the souls of the realm, and even the bravest souls tremble in their wake.  

The Ordo Transcendent

Within the enigmatic halls of the Ordo Transcendent, the heart and soul of the Church of the Dawn's oppressive faith lies. This mysterious branch, cloaked in ritualistic secrecy, weaves a web of spiritual control that ensnares the minds of the faithful, guiding them along the path of absolute obedience.   The Ordo Transcendent is composed of a diverse assembly of sinister figures, each veiled in shadow and draped in austere vestments that reflect the darkness of their devotion. At the forefront are the priests, haunting figures with sunken eyes that betray an almost otherworldly wisdom. Their hollow voices resonate through ancient chambers, uttering prayers and invoking the gods' names with eerie cadence.   Clerics, similarly enigmatic, possess an aura of ethereal grace, their movements seemingly unhindered by the physical world. Embodying the Church's authority on matters of faith, they interpret the sacred texts, illuminating the dark corners of religious doctrine with their solemn words.   Monks, the ascetics of the Ordo Transcendent, inhabit secluded cloisters and hidden sanctuaries. These devoted souls shun the temptations of the material world, pursuing spiritual enlightenment through rigorous discipline and penance. Their bodies bear the scars of self-inflicted suffering, evidence of the lengths they go to attain a higher state of transcendence.   Central to the Ordo Transcendent's enigma are the arcane rituals they perform, ceremonies that blur the boundaries between the material and the metaphysical. Candles flicker in the gloom, casting dancing shadows upon cryptic symbols etched into the floor. Incense wafts through the air, invoking a trance-like state upon the participants.   These rituals serve a dual purpose. Not only do they deepen the faithful's connection with the divine, but they also act as tools of indoctrination. As the Ordo Transcendent plunges the minds of the devoted into the depths of spiritual ecstasy, it embeds the Church's doctrines, ensuring unwavering loyalty and subservience.   The Ordo Transcendent holds sway over the very essence of faith, inspiring both awe and fear among the Church's followers. For those who seek spiritual enlightenment, they offer the promise of salvation and a higher purpose in life. Yet, their influence comes at the cost of freedom, binding the souls of the faithful to a path of rigid devotion.   Within the obsidian walls of their hidden sanctums, the enigmatic Ordo Transcendent weaves an intoxicating tapestry of spirituality and control. The faithful, caught in its web, find themselves drawn deeper into the Church's clutches, their minds clouded by the allure of transcendence and their hearts chained to the will of the oppressive Light.

The Ordo Repentia

Beware the chilling grasp of the Ordo Repentia, the malevolent arm of the Church of the Dawn, dedicated to the ruthless conversion of magic-users and deemed "heretical" souls into the suffocating fold of the Light. Concealed within their shadowed sanctuaries, the Ordo Repentia weaves a web of psychological torment and spiritual domination, twisting the minds of the Converted until they submit, unyielding, to the oppressive doctrines of the Church.   The Converted, the bulk of this sinister order, are individuals who once wielded the forbidden arts or dared to question the Church's infallibility. Stripped of their identities, they are now mere vessels for the Church's insidious indoctrination. Within the haunting walls of the Ordo Repentia's labyrinthine chambers, they undergo an arduous process, their spirits shattered and rebuilt in the image of the Light.   Overseeing this harrowing ordeal is the dreaded High Matron, a figure cloaked in enigma and possessing a chilling aura of authority. Her piercing gaze leaves the Converted trembling, as she orchestrates the process of psychological unraveling with calculated precision. She is the one who watches over the twisted metamorphosis of their souls, ensuring the obedience that the Church demands.   But once every century, amid the suffocating darkness of the Ordo Repentia, an exceptional soul rises from the ranks of the Converted. This chosen one, crowned the Crimson Lady, becomes the embodiment of the Church's principles, anointed as a vessel of the Light's favor. The Crimson Lady radiates an aura of dark allure, her eyes ablaze with fervent devotion, as she wields both awe and fear among her fellow Converted.   The conversion process itself is a closely guarded secret, known only to the Ordo Repentia and veiled from the prying eyes of outsiders. The specifics remain obscured, but rumors abound of intense mental manipulation and soul-crushing trials designed to shatter the will of the individual. Through relentless torment and psychological warfare, the Converted are molded into uncompromising vessels of the Light, forsaking their former selves to serve the Church's oppressive agenda.   Within the heart of the Ordo Repentia, the spirits of the Converted are torn asunder and reforged into instruments of the Church's dominion. The chilling echoes of their anguished cries reverberate through the halls, a haunting testament to the price of defiance. And as the Crimson Lady stands amid the torment, she embodies the Church's absolute control, her every move a testament to the unyielding power of the Light.   Beware, for the Ordo Repentia, with its dread High Matron and chosen Crimson Lady, lurks in the shadows, its methods of conversion veiled in mystery, yet striking terror into the hearts of those who dare to oppose the oppressive might of the Church of the Dawn.

Public Agenda

As the Plague Wars raged on, and the undead hordes threatened to consume the kingdom, the Church of the Dawn seized the opportunity to assert its dominance. Utilizing their growing influence and control over the masses, the Church implemented a ruthless and calculating strategy to bring an end to the nightmarish conflict. Firstly, the Church exploited the public's fear and desperation, convincing them that the Faith of the Maiden was powerless to halt the undead tide. They propagated rumors that the Faith's ineptitude had allowed the plague to spread unchecked, deepening the distrust in the rival religion and further bolstering the Church's authority.   With the populace looking to the Church for salvation, the clergy took center stage, offering guidance and solace to the afflicted. They presented themselves as the divine intermediaries, the chosen ones capable of channeling the true power of the Light to combat the undead menace. Through carefully orchestrated rituals and prayers, the Church claimed to invoke the gods' blessings, using the force of the Light to repel the undead hordes.   However, the Church's interventions were not only spiritual but also militaristic. They formed a formidable army known as the Sacred Vanguard, comprising highly trained witch hunters, paladins, and clerics. This battle-hardened force became the vanguard against the undead onslaught, marching into the heart of the plagued regions to confront the undead horrors head-on.   The Church's soldiers wielded weapons imbued with holy enchantments, capable of cleaving through the undead with ease. Under the guidance of their high-ranking clergy, they rallied the fearful populace and instilled unwavering faith in the Church's leadership. The Sacred Vanguard became a symbol of hope and resistance against the undead abominations, further solidifying the Church's position of authority.   The turning point in the Plague Wars came when the Church, led by their highest-ranking officials, conducted a powerful and elaborate ritual at the epicenter of the plague's origins. With fervent prayers and the combined might of the Sacred Vanguard, they unleashed a torrent of divine energy upon the undead horde, purging the darkness from the land.   In the climax of the ritual, the Arch-lich Vorath, imprisoned in the Dead Wastes, unknowingly became a conduit for the Church's power, reinforcing their hold over him and inadvertently aiding in the undead's destruction. The cunning deception to scapegoat him now served the Church's purposes, ensuring that he would remain confined and under their control.   With the plague's malevolent force vanquished, the Church proclaimed victory, claiming that the Light had bestowed its divine favor upon them, and that it was their unwavering faith and righteousness that had brought an end to the cataclysmic war. The public, still gripped by fear and gratitude, hailed the Church as saviors and embraced their doctrines wholeheartedly.   In the aftermath of the Plague Wars, the Church of the Dawn emerged as the dominant religious and political force in the kingdom. Their perceived triumph over the undead scourge solidified their authority and silenced any dissenting voices. The Church's role in ending the Plague Wars became an integral part of their narrative, woven into the fabric of their ever-tightening grip on the hearts and minds of the people.

Tenets of Faith

1. Reverence for the Light: The Church of the Dawn believes in the divinity of the Light, an all-encompassing force that guides and sustains the universe. The Light represents truth, purity, and order, and its existence is undeniable.   2. **Obedience to the Hierarchy:** The Church upholds a strict hierarchical structure, where followers must obey the Bishops, Archbishops, and the High Patriarch, the voice of the Light on Jord. Submission to authority ensures the continuity of divine guidance.   3. Condemnation of Heresy: The Church fiercely opposes heresy and any deviation from their doctrines. Magic users, witches, and other non-believers are deemed heretical and must be converted or dealt with accordingly.   4. Purge the Darkness: The Church views darkness and its manifestations, such as undead and malevolent entities, as a threat to the Light's dominion. It is the duty of the Church to eradicate such darkness from the realm.   5. Preservation of Traditional Gender and Social Roles: The Church staunchly enforces traditional gender roles and societal structures, believing that they align with the natural order established by the Light.   6. Relentless Conversion: The Church actively seeks to convert individuals from other faiths and beliefs, viewing it as a righteous mission to bring them into the fold of the Light.   7. Witch Hunters and Paladins: The Church maintains a dedicated force of witch hunters and paladins known as the Ordo Militant, who serve as the Church's enforcers and protectors.   8. Rituals and Rites: Rituals are central to the Church's worship, with prayers, chants, and ceremonies conducted to channel the Light's divine power and blessings.   9. Suppression of Dissent: The Church brooks no dissent or opposition, and any criticism of its doctrines is swiftly quashed. Those who challenge the Church's authority face severe consequences.   10. Eternal Vigilance: The Church emphasizes constant vigilance against any perceived threat to its dominion. It fosters a sense of ever-present danger, which strengthens its followers' resolve and loyalty.   These tenets shape the Church of the Dawn into an oppressive and unyielding institution, wielding its authority and power with a firm grip on the hearts and minds of its followers. As the faithful adhere to these core principles, they believe they are walking the path of righteousness and upholding the will of the divine Light.


1. Absolute Obedience to Divine Authority: The Church of the Dawn upholds the belief that divine authority is vested in the High Patriarch/Patriarchess, and their commands are to be obeyed without question. The faithful are bound by a sacred duty to follow the Church's doctrines and the hierarchy's decrees unwaveringly.   2. Condemnation of Heresy and Forbidden Magic: The Church vehemently opposes any form of heresy, deviance from their doctrines, and the practice of forbidden magic. Such acts are deemed blasphemous and punishable by severe consequences, including conversion, exile, or even execution.   3. Purge the Darkness: The Church views darkness, in the form of undead, malevolent entities, and other perceived threats, as an affront to the Light's dominion. Followers are encouraged to take up arms against such forces, acting as instruments of the divine will to cleanse the realm.   4. Submission to Traditional Social and Gender Roles: The Church enforces strict adherence to traditional social and gender roles, believing that it is the natural order set forth by the divine. Women are expected to be subservient and embrace traditional roles, while men are expected to be the protectors and providers.   5. Conversion and Assimilation: The Church is driven by an unyielding desire to convert non-believers and followers of other faiths into the fold of the Light. Missionary efforts and the Ordo Repentia's work are seen as righteous missions to bring the "lost" souls to the true path.   6. Defense of the Faith: The Church perceives itself as the defender of the faith against external threats and internal dissent. Followers are encouraged to protect the Church from any challenge or opposition, viewing such acts as an expression of loyalty and piety.   7. Ritualistic Devotion: Ethical conduct in the Church is intertwined with religious rituals and devotion. Attending regular prayers, ceremonies, and performing prescribed rituals are seen as essential to strengthening one's connection with the divine.   8. Fear and Repression: The Church employs fear as a tool to maintain control over its followers. The concept of divine punishment for disobedience and eternal consequences for heresy keeps the faithful in line, stifling dissent and questioning.   9. Avoidance of Temptations: The Church places great emphasis on resisting temptations of the material world. Pursuits deemed sinful, such as excessive wealth, indulgence, or immoral conduct, are discouraged, as they are perceived to lead followers away from the path of righteousness.   10. Eternal Vigilance: Followers are expected to be vigilant against any perceived threat to the Church's dominion. Reporting heretics, dissidents, and suspicious behavior is considered a sacred duty, ensuring the Church's authority remains unchallenged.   The ethics of the Church of the Dawn create an atmosphere of strict adherence to its doctrines and traditions, cultivating a climate of fear and control. By promoting absolute obedience, conversion efforts, and a strict hierarchical structure, the Church maintains its oppressive rule over the minds and hearts of its followers, keeping the world of Jord firmly under its dark influence.


In the Church of the Dawn, worship is an intricate and highly structured affair, designed to strengthen the faithful's connection to the divine Light and reinforce their unwavering devotion. Regular practices, rituals, and traditions are deeply ingrained in the lives of the followers, guiding their every step and shaping their daily existence.   Everyday Practices:
  1. Morning Prayers: As the first rays of dawn break over the horizon, followers gather at their local places of worship or in their homes to offer morning prayers. These prayers serve as an expression of gratitude for the new day and a request for divine guidance and protection.
  2. Devotional Readings: Throughout the day, followers engage in devotional readings from the sacred texts of the Church, such as the Book of Light. These readings provide spiritual nourishment, imparting the wisdom and teachings of the Church's doctrines.
  3. Pious Living: The faithful are expected to live virtuous lives, adhering to the ethical principles set forth by the Church. Honesty, compassion, and humility are highly prized virtues that followers strive to embody in their interactions with others.

Rituals and Traditions:

  1. Weekly Sermons: Each week, congregations gather in grand cathedrals or local chapels to listen to the wisdom of their local Bishops or appointed clerics. These sermons expound upon the teachings of the Church, provide guidance, and emphasize the importance of unwavering faith.
  2. Sacraments: The Church of the Dawn practices several sacraments that are believed to confer divine grace upon the participants. Baptism, confirmation, and marriage are among the most significant sacraments, signifying one's initiation into the faith, spiritual growth, and the sacred bond of matrimony.
  3. Cleansing Rituals: Purification rituals are conducted to cleanse the followers of impurities and sins. These rituals often involve ceremonial baths, prayers, and symbolic gestures to reaffirm the devotees' dedication to the Light.
  4. Festivals and Holy Days: The Church celebrates numerous festivals and holy days throughout the year, commemorating significant events in the history of the faith or honoring the divine beings. These celebrations involve grand processions, elaborate ceremonies, and communal feasts, strengthening the sense of unity among the faithful.
  5. Veneration of Saints: The Church venerates saints, individuals considered to have led exceptionally virtuous lives and achieved divine favor. Followers offer prayers and seek intercession from these saints, believing they can act as intermediaries between the mortal realm and the divine.


  At the heart of the Church of the Dawn lies the sacred practice of pilgrimages, where devout followers embark on transformative journeys of spiritual significance. The most revered pilgrimage is the sacred journey to the Mound Imperial, known as the "Sacred Path." This profound odyssey takes believers through a series of key religious sites, cathedrals, and churches, culminating in the hallowed grounds of the Mound Imperial.
  1. Embarking on the Sacred Path: The pilgrimage begins with a solemn ceremony, during which the faithful don simple white robes, symbolizing purity and devotion. With hearts brimming with faith, they set forth on the Sacred Path, which stretches across the realm of Jord.
  2. Visiting Key Religious Sites: Along the Sacred Path, pilgrims visit key religious sites, each one bearing historical and spiritual significance. These sites include ancient cathedrals that have withstood the passage of time, as well as revered churches where miracles are said to have occurred.
  3. Moments of Reflection: At each religious site, pilgrims pause to reflect on their journey and offer prayers for divine guidance. This introspective pause allows them to connect with the sacred energy of these holy places and contemplate their own spiritual growth.
  4. Receiving Blessings: Throughout their journey, the pilgrims seek blessings from the clergy and spiritual leaders present at the sites. These blessings are believed to infuse the pilgrims with divine grace, fortifying their souls for the challenges ahead.
  5. Enduring Trials: The Sacred Path is not without its trials. Pilgrims face physical and spiritual challenges, testing their resolve and dedication. Through perseverance, they draw closer to the Light, fortified by their unwavering commitment to the journey.
  6. Arrival at the Mound Imperial: After traversing the arduous path, the pilgrims arrive at the Mound Imperial, the holiest of holies within the Church of the Dawn. The awe-inspiring sight of the grand capital city, adorned with intricate religious symbols and towering cathedrals, fills them with profound reverence.
  7. Final Ceremonies: At the Mound Imperial, the pilgrims participate in final ceremonies led by the High Patriarch/Patriarchess. Amidst grand processions, celestial chants, and the radiant glow of the sacred flames, the pilgrims offer their devotion to the Light in its purest form.
  8. Spiritual Renewal: The culmination of the Sacred Path brings spiritual renewal to the pilgrims. The journey has ignited a profound transformation within them, deepening their connection to the divine Light and inspiring a renewed dedication to their faith.
  9. Carrying the Light Home: As the pilgrims bid farewell to the Mound Imperial, they carry the Light's divine energy within their hearts. The experiences of the pilgrimage stay with them as they return to their communities, becoming beacons of inspiration for others to embark on the Sacred Path and continue their unwavering devotion to the Church of the Dawn.
The worship in the Church of the Dawn revolves around the constant pursuit of divine favor and righteousness. Through regular practices, rituals, and traditions, the faithful deepen their connection to the Light, ensuring their place within the Church's tightly woven fabric of devotion and control.


High Patriarch: At the pinnacle of the Church of the Dawn stands the High Patriarch, the highest spiritual authority and the voice of the Light on Jord. Their words are considered divine decrees, and they wield absolute power over the entire Church.   Archbishops: Below the High Patriarch/Patriarchess are the Archbishops, powerful figures who oversee vast regions or provinces within the realm. They are responsible for upholding the Church's doctrines, managing the clergy, and ensuring unwavering loyalty from the local faithful.   Bishops: Reporting to the Archbishops are the Bishops, spiritual leaders who preside over specific cities or large congregations. Bishops oversee the activities of the priests and clerics in their regions, providing guidance and acting as intermediaries between the Archbishops and the local clergy.   Priests, Clerics, and Monks: The primary branch of the Church, known as the Ordo Transcendent, is composed of priests, clerics, and monks. Priests conduct religious ceremonies, administer sacraments, and lead congregations in prayer. Clerics are skilled healers and spiritual counselors, while monks pursue a life of asceticism and spiritual enlightenment.   Ordo Militant Commanders: The Ordo Militant, the military arm of the Church, is headed by commanders who oversee different divisions within the organization. These commanders include the leaders of the witch hunters and paladins, ensuring the Ordo Militant's readiness to defend the Church's dominion.   Witch Hunters and Paladins: Within the Ordo Militant, witch hunters and paladins hold influential positions, carrying out the Church's enforcement and protection duties. Witch hunters hunt down heretics and those who practice forbidden magic, while paladins serve as elite warriors, defending the Church's interests in both spiritual and martial matters.   Ordo Repentia Officers: The Ordo Repentia, responsible for converting heretics and hostile magic users, is led by officers who oversee conversion efforts and missionary activities. They ensure that heretics are brought into the fold of the Church, with the most zealous officers often rewarded with promotions and recognition.   The Converted: The Converted, individuals who have undergone the Church's conversion process, form the bulk of the Ordo Repentia. They are subservient to the officers and abide by the Church's doctrines, fervently spreading the faith and adhering to their new roles within the Church.   This hierarchical structure enables the Church of the Dawn to exercise complete control over its followers and maintain a rigid grip on the realm of Jord. The authority of the High Patriarch/Patriarchess cascades down through the Archbishops, Bishops, and clergy, while the Ordo Militant and Ordo Repentia act as the enforcers of the Church's doctrines. With this hierarchical order in place, the Church's dominion remains unchallenged, and its oppressive reign casts a long and dark shadow over the world of Jord.

May the Light be upon you.

Founding Date
1520 M.E.
Alternative Names
The Church, The Light-bringers

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