Fey Exchangelings/Changelings

Changelings are a humanoid race who are distantly descended from doppelgangers and share their shapeshifting qualities. Their shapeshifting has led to them being used as spies and assassins, which has, in turn, led to them being mistrusted almost everywhere. This leads them to keep their true race a secret.

Basic Information


Dependent on what they shift to.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dependent on what they shift to.

Growth Rate & Stages

Changelings reach maturity at 18.

Ecology and Habitats

Changelings live everywhere- sometimes in disguise, sometimes as whatever form they choose.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Changelings require the same amount of intake as humans.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Changelings are everywhere.

Average Intelligence

Changelings have the same level of intelligence as humans.

Civilization and Culture

Gender Ideals

Changelings will always remain the same gender mentally, but can shift into others.

Relationship Ideals

Changelings have the same relationship ideals as humans.


Changelings have no history- no home- no people. They are ever-changing and alone in a world of static, lively beings.
Scientific Name


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