Sargot ((sahrr-got))


The mountains of Sargot are a prominent feature of the realm. They are rugged and imposing, with peaks that reach high into the sky. These mountains are often covered in mist and fog, giving them an otherworldly appearance. They are also home to a number of unique plant and animal species that have adapted to the challenging mountain environment.   Sargot's waterways are also a vital part of the realm's geography. There are several large rivers that flow through the realm, including the mighty Wildwood River which is the lifeblood of the region. These rivers provide important transportation routes, as well as providing valuable resources such as fish and water for irrigation.


Sargot is a realm covered in rainforests, and its ecosystem is rich and diverse. The rainforests are characterized by high levels of precipitation, high humidity, and warm temperatures throughout the year. The diverse ecosystem of the realm is home to a wide range of flora and fauna, including many species that are found nowhere else on Earth.   The flora of Sargot rainforests is dense and layered, with trees of various heights and species forming a canopy that provides a home for a variety of animals. The dominant trees are often large, broad-leaved evergreens that tower over the forest floor. These trees are covered in epiphytes, which are plants that grow on other plants. The understory of the rainforests is characterized by smaller trees, shrubs, and ferns, while the forest floor is covered with leaf litter and fallen branches.   The fauna of Sargot rainforests is also diverse, with many unique species of animals that are well adapted to life in the dense forests. Many of these animals have specialized adaptations that allow them to survive in the dense forests, such as powerful limbs for climbing, keen senses for navigating through the forest, and specialized diets that include a variety of fruits, nuts, and insects.   The rivers and streams that flow through Sargot rainforests are also important parts of the ecosystem, providing habitats for fish, amphibians, and reptiles. Many of these waterways are also home to quippers, which are apex predators that play an important role in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem.   Overall, the ecosystem of Sargot rainforests is a delicate and complex system that is shaped by the interactions between the plants, animals, and the environment.

Ecosystem Cycles

Sargot mostly remains the same between the seasons besides slight temperature changes.


Sargot's climate is characterized by high levels of precipitation, humidity, and warm temperatures throughout the year. It is tropical with little seasonal variation, and the weather is consistently warm and humid.   The annual precipitation in Sargot is very high, with rainfall exceeding 2,000 millimeters (80 inches) in some areas. This high level of rainfall is due to the realm's location near the equator, which results in the convergence of warm, moist air masses. The frequent rainfall is responsible for the lush and dense rainforests that cover much of Sargot.   In addition to the high levels of rainfall, the humidity in Sargot is also very high, with relative humidity frequently exceeding 80%. This high humidity is due to the warm temperatures and the abundance of moisture in the air. The high humidity and warm temperatures combine to create a hot and sticky environment that can be challenging for some people.   The temperatures in Sargot are warm and relatively stable throughout the year, with average temperatures ranging from 24-28°C (75-82°F) depending on the time of year and location within the realm. There is little seasonal variation in temperature, and the realm experiences a consistent tropical climate year-round.   Overall, the climate of Sargot is characterized by high levels of precipitation, humidity, and warm temperatures, which create an ideal environment for the growth of dense rainforests and a wide variety of plant and animal species. While the climate can be challenging for some, it is an important part of the ecosystem that supports life in the realm.

Natural Resources

Sargot, a realm covered in rainforests, is rich in natural resources that are valuable for both economic and ecological purposes. The rainforests of Sargot are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species, many of which are unique to the region, and provide resources that are essential for human survival.   One of the most important resources found in the rainforests of Sargot is timber. The dense forests of Sargot are home to a wide variety of tree species, many of which are prized for their high-quality wood. These trees are harvested for their wood, which is used for construction, furniture, and paper production.   The rainforests of Sargot are also home to a wide variety of plant species that are used for medicinal purposes. Many of these plants have properties that are useful in the treatment of a wide range of illnesses and ailments, and they are harvested for use in traditional medicine and modern pharmaceuticals.   Another important natural resource in Sargot is wildlife. The rainforests are home to a wide variety of animal species, many of which are hunted for their meat, skins, and other products. While some hunting is done sustainably and provides food for local communities, unsustainable hunting practices can threaten the survival of some species.   The waterways of Sargot are also an important resource, providing fish for food and supporting agriculture through irrigation. The Sargot River is particularly important, providing a source of water for communities and supporting the growth of crops such as rice and bananas.   Finally, the rainforests of Sargot are also an important resource for ecotourism. The natural beauty and diversity of the rainforests attract visitors from around the world, providing an important source of income for local communities and supporting conservation efforts.   Overall, the rainforests of Sargot are a valuable resource for both human and ecological purposes, providing important resources for sustenance, medicine, and economic development, as well as supporting the unique ecosystem of the region.


Refer to the Nine Realms Historical Timeline.
Alternative Name(s)
Liphatmei (liff-ought-may)
Magical Realm


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