
Slimes were first recorded long before major civilizations (or at least the ones we know) existed. They dwelled in the hidden swamps and underbrush of Gradia before the collapse of the Orchard Empire. Eventually, the more intelligent slimes founded a vassal state underneath the Elven nations of old. Unfortunately, their empire was shattered and broken by the undead in the Deadlands. The few slimes remaining were divided up across the land, with their numbers waning into the mere thousands. During one fateful Biafel, a large portion of these slimes warped into Genasi. The Genasi had a much longer and fruitful future, though. By the Iron Eras, slimes began regaining their numbers. Today there are roughly 20,000 of them still roaming Gradia and Sargot.

Basic Information


Slimes are a writhing mass of ooze with a base form much to the like of gelatin. If anything non-metal (or corrosion-proof) makes contact with their body, it immediately dissolves.

Biological Traits

Your acidic body may dissolve that which you absorb. Upon succeeding on a grapple check against against a creature, you may decide to begin dissolving it within you. The creature takes acid damage equal to your unarmed strike + Constitution modifier at the end of each of their turns while they remain grappled. Creatures killed this way are dissolved within you and become valid targets for your Change Appearance trait. You may also choose to devour a creature that died no more than 24 hours ago to gain their form for your Change Appearance trait. If you choose not to begin digesting the target you may instead store it within your mass, following normal rules for carrying capacity. You may also gain a few important memories and a general idea of the creature's will and outlook in life, at the discretion of the DM. As an action you may transform your appearance or revert to your natural form. You can't duplicate the appearance of an individual you've never consumed with your Devouring Mass trait, and you revert to your natural form if you die or fall unconscious. You decide what you look like, including your height, weight, facial features, the sound of your voice, coloration, hair length, sex, and any other distinguishing features. Additionally, you always bear a general resemblance to the individual you consumed to gain the mimicry. You may choose to change into a creature up to one size larger than you, in which case you receive the bonuses and penalties associated with your new size category for the duration of your transformation. Your clothing does not transform with you. You may may also take on the appearance of a non-humanoid creature that meets the above criteria, but you do not gain any of its special abilities or stats.

Genetics and Reproduction

Slimes reproduce without fertilization, instead splitting as a cell would. To gather the necessary nutrients to trigger the process, it usually takes around forty years.

Growth Rate & Stages

Slimes grow with the amount of nutrients currently contained in them. When born, they retain all of the knowledge of their parent slime.

Ecology and Habitats

Slimes rarely interact with their environment in Gradia. They typically lay dormant in swamps for centuries at a time to gather nutrients.

Dietary Needs and Habits

You do not eat or drink as most creatures do, but instead receive nutrients from material dissolved within you. You cannot become intoxicated from ingesting alcohol, and have advantage on saving throws against ingested poison.

Biological Cycle

Slimes have no biological cycles as they scale with the amount of nutrients inside of them.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Slimes no longer have a civilization.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Slimes are primarily found in Gradia and Sargot, but on occasion they can be spotted in the other realms.

Average Intelligence

Slimes have human-level intelligence.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Slimes have almost every sense a human has besides feeling.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

Certain leeches in Gradia have evolved to sap the nutrients inside of slimes by developing corrosion-proof shells.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Slimes typically have elven names.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

The native language of slimes is Elvish.

Common Dress Code

Slimes typically use non-corrosive gloves to hold swords and other items.


Slimes were first recorded long before major civilizations (or at least the ones we know) existed. They dwelled in the hidden swamps and underbrush of Gradia before the collapse of the Orchard Empire. Eventually, the more intelligent slimes founded a vassal state underneath the Elven nations of old. Unfortunately, their empire was shattered and broken by the undead in the Deadlands. The few slimes remaining were divided up across the land, with their numbers waning into the mere thousands. During one fateful Biafel, a large portion of these slimes warped into Genasi. The Genasi had a much longer and fruitful future, though. By the Iron Eras, slimes began regaining their numbers. Today there are roughly 20,000 of them still roaming Gradia and Sargot.
Scientific Name
Average Height
Their height scales with their nutrient levels.
Average Weight
Their weight scales with their nutrient levels.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Slimes can be any color.


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