History of the Nine Realms

The Era of Creation

10000 9001

The One created all realms and the Ancient Races. (Elves, goliaths, treefolk)

  • -9572 EC

    1 /3 01:00

    Estimated Founding of the Orchard Empire

    The first nation in the Nine Realms to be founded, the Orchard Empire, is estimated to be created in 9572 CE.

  • -9500 EC

    14 /4 03:00

    Recorded History Begins
    Scientific achievement

    Elven scribes begin charting history.

  • -9391 EC

    17 /3 14:00
    -9390 EC

    24 /2 06:00

    The Sacking of Gradia
    Military action

    Gradia was sacked by the Orchard Empire, destroying a whole city that is still ruined to this day.

  • -9343 EC

    13 /2 16:00
    -9343 EC

    22 /4 12:00

    The First Orc Raid Begins
    Military action

    The first ever orcish raid slaughters a treefolk tribe in Gradia, leaving no survivors.

  • -9327 EC

    30 /5 23:00

    The First Dwarves Appear in Dwarna
    Celestial / Cosmic

    In 9327 CE, dwarves were created by the One to inhabit Dwarna. This occurred during Biafel.

  • -9298 EC

    16 /5 14:00

    Halflings are Created
    Celestial / Cosmic

    The first halflings are created to inhabit the Misty Isles' coasts and hillsides.

  • -9285 EC

    23 /5 17:00

    The First Realm Gate is Discovered
    Discovery, Exploration

    An expedition of three-thousand dwarves discover Dwarna's realm gate, accidentally transporting themselves to Denaunt.

  • -9264 EC

    18 /1 22:00

    The One-Thousand Year War Begins
    Military action

    A gargantuan army of orcs find the realm gate to Dwarna, launching a full-scale assault on the largest dwarven city at the time. After thousands had fallen, the orcs stand victorious. The dwarves prepare to found a kingdom to fight off the existential orcish threat.

  • -9263 EC

    13 /4 15:00

    The Dwarven Kingdom Rises from the Ash

    The Dwarven Kingdom, a kingdom uniting all dwarves in Dwarna, is founded to retake their lands.

  • -9222 EC

    2 /2 02:00

    The Orchard Empire Collapses

    The remains of the dead from the sacking of Gradia arise from their graves as undead soldiers, destroying what remains of the Orchard Empire. Treefolk scatter across different lands.

  • -9200 EC

    1 /1 0-1:00

    The Worldwound Opens
    Disaster / Destruction

The Flint Eras

9000 8001

A time of tribes, clans, and primitive warfare. Chaos and strife is rampant across the realms.

  • -9000 FE

    1 /1 01:00

    Goliaths Create Flint Tools
    Technological achievement

    The first Goliaths in Dwarna forge primitive flint tools.

  • -8942 FE

    5 /3 14:00

    Itorius Ascends
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Itorius was born in the long-passed Flint Eras. She led her tribe with the Three Laws of Glory, which most minotaur kingdoms still use to this day. Itorius died fighting another minotaur tribe near the end of a war, but was (according to orcs) chosen by the One to be the first ever deity.

  • -8900 FE

    17 /2 02:00

    Gridr Ascends
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Gridr greatly favors dwarves as he was once a tundra dwarf. He hunted along the snowy wastes of the north before he stumbled upon a massive white elk. He fought for three days and three nights before felling the beast with a dagger to the throat. He was given godhood by the One shortly afterwards.

  • -8861 FE

    3 /5 21:00

    The First Humans Appear
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Humanity is created.

  • -8426 FE

    2 /3 02:00

    The Remaining Races Appear
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • -8249 FE

    22 /5 23:00

    Demons Pour Out of the Worldwound
    Military action

  • -8200 FE

    12 /3 9:00

    The First Crusade Begins
    Military action

    Elves, Dwarves, and Humans form a coalition to crusade against the demons of the Worldwound.

  • -8120 FE

    12 /3 14:00
    -8104 FE

    3 /5 07:00

    The Battle of Nerfaya
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Nerfaya takes place between the Demons and the First Crusade, turning Nerfaya into what it is today.

  • -8001 FE

    19 /4 17:00

    The First Crusade Falls
    Military action

    The First Crusade is defeated after the Fall of Nerfaya. They are scattered and fallen.

The Iron Eras

8000 6001

The Iron Eras are typically associated with the numerous failures and disasters of the Crusades.

  • -7984 IE

    17 /4 01:00

    The Second Crusade Forms
    Military action

    King Jeoria II of the Denoan-Dwarnan Front rallies a band of four-thousand human and dwarven soldiers. Mass celebration surrounds the unit, as they're the 'last hope we need' in the eyes of the citizens.

  • -7744 IE

    24 /5 12:00

    Tilleas Ascends
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Tilleas, the God of Good Deeds, celestially ascends after a war against orcs in Dwarna.

  • -7731 IE

    14 /3

    Elderius is Slain
    Life, Death

    Elderius, Leader of the Second Crusade, is slain on the battlefield.

  • -7727 IE

    2 /5

    The Second Crusade Falls
    Military action

    The Second Crusade was extremely disorganized after Elderius' death, finally fizzling out after demon forces surround them in a brutal siege. For fourteen days and fourteen nights, the defenders held strong. Yet it was inevitable.

  • -7402 IE

    17 /5

    Farrena Ascends
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Farrena, a raider during the late Iron Era, ascends to godhood as the God of Evil.

  • -7249 IE

    29 /2
    -6750 IE

    2 /1

    The First Aarakocra Outpost is Founded
    Construction beginning/end

    Aarakocra descend from the high mountains of Dwarna, setting up their first outpost near the dwarven cities. In the course of a few centuries, they settle outposts in all realms.

  • -6822 IE

    The Third Crusade Forms
    Military action

    The Third Crusade, led by the elf Lutor, forms in opposition of the Worldwound's recent advances in Nerfaya. Sixty-thousand elves, treefolk, and humans prepare for total war. Numbers like this have never been seen on a battlefield before.

  • -6777 IE

    Lutor is Assassinated
    Life, Death

    A changeling snuck into the keep of Drezen before slitting Lutor's throat. The Third Crusade falls into a power struggle, resulting in two-thousand dead. Felni, a dwarven dictator, is crowned as the new general.

  • -6581 IE

    The Great Nerfayan Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    "Lord Commander, the peasants refuse to give up their food stores. They say that they need it to survive the upcoming Biafel. Should we try the next settlement?"   "Kill them."   "There's.. there's forty-thousand."   "Kill them all."

  • -6181 IE

    Felni Is Hung - Justice is Served
    Life, Death

    Lord Commander Felni visited Nerfaya to celebrate his recent campaign against the Worldwound. As he paraded down the streets, his four guards were overwhelmed by angry citizens. Felni was taken by the crowd, beaten to death over the course of twenty minutes, and hung by the newly named 'Feltree'.

The Classical Era

6000 5001

The Classical Era was the most deadly of all, with war being the primary loss of life. The Crusades had more success than their ancestors, but there were several major defeats.

  • -5910 CE

    The Third Crusade Collapses

    Ever since the death of Felni, the Crusade has been run by a council. Decades of idleness led to a mass-desertion. The Third Crusade was unofficially disbanded.

  • -5790 CE

    The Worldwound Consumes Nerfaya
    Military action

    After the defeat of the Third Crusade, the peasants were left to fend for themselves. Partisans with kitchen knifes, sticks, and other crude weapons fought to the last man. In one year Nerfaya lost half of it's population, 300,000 innocents. The rest were enslaved.

  • -5541 CE

    The Fourth Crusade Forms
    Military action

    The Fourth Crusade forms behind the mighty elven ruler Queen Galfrey. Although it only had forty-five thousand soldiers, they were primarily battle-hardened and well equipped. As the demons prepared to invade the Misty Isles, Queen Galfrey's troops moved into positions.

  • -5540 CE

    V-M-I Day
    Military: Battle

    The desperate defense of the Misty Isles lasted for six months. Only half of the soldiers who went in every came out. For the first time in millennia, Lamashtu and Baphomet's forces had been defeated.

  • -5417 CE

    First Birth of the Mountain King
    Life, Birth

    A dwarf woman gives birth to a skinless child. There is no scientific explanation to how the dwarf is alive with only a skeleton. The child is abandoned in the frozen wasteland without a name.

  • -5390 CE

    The Galfrey Offensive
    Military action

    Queen Galfrey mobilizes the Fourth Crusade against the Nerfayan occupation. Thousands of soldiers launch an all-out assault through the realm gate, catching demon forces by surprise. There is only one Worldwound survivor, the son of Lamashtu.

  • -5386 CE

    The Reacquisition of Kenabres and Drezen
    Military action

    Vicious urban combat rages for three months in the city of Kenabres. Immediately after the Fourth Crusade is victorious, they storm Drezen Citadel. The Galfrey Offensive finally comes to an end after twenty-seven years.

  • -5300 CE


    The abandoned skeletal dwarf, now an adult, returns to the Dwarnan capital, single-handedly slaughtering every guard in his way. The corpses are mangled and frozen. The Dwarnan king is slain by the skeleton, who swiftly takes control as the God-Emperor of Dwarna. He is worshipped as the one true god. None stand to oppose him.

  • -5277 CE

    Disbandment of the Fourth Crusade

    The demons of Nerfaya are exiled back into the Worldwound. The crusades finally end, achieving ultimate victory.   For now.

The Medieval Era

5000 3001

The Medieval Era marks the end of the war against the Worldwound. Technological innovation and economic success was plentiful during the Thousand-Year Peace.

  • -4999 ME

    -4002 ME

    The Thousand-Year Peace
    Political event

    The orcs lay dormant, the demons plot in exile, and the modern kingdoms form.

  • -4000 ME

    The Kenabres Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

    The forces of the Worldwound take advantage of the dormant nations, launching a surprise attack through tunnels underneath Kenabres. Only a couple hundred citizens make it out alive, with the rest of the survivors holing up in a tavern. A knight, a sorcerer, two hunters, and a berserker fight through the city to evacuate as many as they can. The estimated deaths are in the hundreds of thousands.

  • -3999 ME

    The Saviors Storm the Garrison
    Military: Battle

    The remaining survivors of the tavern rally under the command of the five saviors, storming the city garrison. They discovered and destroyed a portal to the Worldwound, forcing the demons to retreat from the city. Kenabres is free at last.

  • -3998 ME

    The Fifth Crusade Forms - Siege of Drezen - Nerfayan Corruption
    Military action

    The Fifth Crusade forms after the mysterious return of Queen Galfrey. The saviors are appointed as the commanders of the army, forcing the demons back out of Drezen. Nerfaya begins showing major signs of corruption, with the grass turning purple.

  • -3997 ME

    The Dertian Conquest
    Military action

    The saviors enter Dertia, thwarting the invading demon army. The king of Dertia is slain, swiftly being replaced with a Fifth Crusade puppet. Thousands are conscripted.

  • -3997 ME

    The Elvandrian Conquest
    Military action

    The saviors fight through a demon-infested region of Nerfaya, Elvandria. There they meet the war hero Hurrivan and the prophet Destiny.

  • -3996 ME

    The Thornbridge Campaign
    Military action

    The saviors lead a military campaign through the closest region to the Worldwound, Thornbridge. They discover a cure to the ice plague, indebting the citizens of the region to the Fifth Crusade.

  • -3995 ME

    -3993 ME

    Military action

    The Fifth Crusade launches a conquest into the Worldwound itself. Baphomet and Lamashtu are slain, with the only survivors of the crusade being the half-elf Rezol and the fallen paladin Sir Levaux Jacquelin. The Worldwound is closed from the inside by the legendary pirate Hurrivan. He was never recovered.   Nerfaya is scarred forever by the thousands of years of warfare and corruption. Where Thornbridge, Elvandra, and Dertia once were is now the Sinking Plains. Kenabres and Drezen are but ruins in the vast forests. Queen Galfrey ends her own life as she saw no more purpose in her existance, with the saviors dying off or disappearing.

  • -3990 ME

    Grubbins' (Scael-Fraen) Ascends
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Grubbins', a Fifth Crusade cook and quartermaster, ascends to godhood. He was a good friend of the saviors but still couldn't save them from their fates with his celestial powers.

  • -3908 ME

    The Invention of Gunpowder
    Scientific achievement

    The minotaurs of Fienden obtain a strange powder traded to them by Aarokocra. It is theorized that if the minotaurs did not recieve this deal, guns would never have been made due to Aarokocra not documenting their history.

  • -3419 ME

    The Colonization of Sargot Begins
    Population Migration / Travel

    (-3419ME to Present)   Greidr explorers are the first outsiders to discover Gradia. Settlers flood in from all Denauntian nations to claim the land while they can.

  • -3042 ME

    The Alkabeth Massacre
    Disaster / Destruction

    Greidr colonists marched into the Treefolk, Pielarr, and Mantazine city of Alkabeth. Without warning or reason, they began slaughtering the citizens. Not many made it out, with the few survivors swearing vengeance. Ever since then the Pielarr and Mantazine have been launching a guerilla warfare campaign against the colonizing imperialists.   36,941 were killed that day.

The Golden Era

3000 1

The Golden Era is devoid of most war. Expansion and politics begin taking over modern society.

  • -2810 GE

    The Second Birth and First Death of the Mountain King
    Life, Death

    The Mountain King, God Emperor of Dwarna, is assassinated by his council of advisors. On the same day another skeletal dwarf is born, but instead of being abandoned it is delivered to the Orcs. The council takes command of the Dwarnan Empire.

  • -2804 GE

    The Attempted Colonization of Dwarna

    With the death of the Mountain King, humans from Gradia set up a colony in South Dwarna called Valley Station. The Dwarnan Council decides not to intervene as the colony would only affect the goliath population.

  • -2771 GE

    -2768 GE

    The Halen Revolution

    After decades of oppressions by the heavily imperialist Archipelago Kingdoms, the Halen people revolt against the tyrant empire. The police and nobles are either executed or exiled, with the Halen people establishing an anarchist commune. Several attempted coups take place but inevitably fail.

  • -2768 GE

    -2760 GE

    The Wall is Constructed
    Construction beginning/end

    After eight years of construction, the wall separating Elasvura and Greidr is constructed.

  • -2760 GE

    The Creyder Revolution

    The Halen Revolution inspired thousands of Creyder peasants to rise up against the sultanates. The revolution is swiftly crushed by the military's use of primitive handcannons. The survivors are executed.

  • -2700 GE

    Military action

    With an army of orcs at his side, the skeletal dwarf returns to the capital. He orders a catapult attack on the mountain peak, caving in the Dwarnan Council. He then stormed the city and crushed any opposition. The God-Emperor had returned.

  • -2649 GE

    The Valley Station Event
    Military action

    The God-Emperor Mountain King ordered his forty battalions of Dwarnan soldiers and artillery officers to occupy Valley Station. The shocked colonists had no option but to surrender. Dwarna was entirely reclaimed by the dwarves.

  • -2208 GE

    The Invention of Matchlocks
    Scientific achievement

    A matchlock was a type of firearm wherein the gunpowder is ignited by a burning piece of rope that is touched to the gunpowder by a mechanism that the musketeer activates by pulling a lever or trigger with his finger.

  • -1955 GE

    The Clockwork Anomaly
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    Creatures across the Nine Realms began shifting into strange automatons much to the likeness of clocks and other machines. A clockwork snake was slain in Creyder and it was discovered that they were run by a liquid-like bomb called Qundra.

  • -1865 GE

    -1861 GE

    The Undersiege
    Military: War

    After the sudden murder of the king of dark elves, the Underdark in Fienden erupted into civil war. The once united minotaurs and dark elves engaged in several major battles.

  • -1640 GE

    The Atmosphere Conspiracy
    Discovery, Scientific

    The prophet, scholar, and noble Destiny made a scientific breakthrough within his cave home. By shooting a high-powered matchlock into the sky he found that it did not come back. He then researched ancient Orchard Empire art that depicted the realms as a dish-shaped artificial construction. His theory was swiftly dismissed by university scholars across the realms.

  • -1551 GE

    The Atmosphere Experiment
    Discovery, Scientific

    Destiny's conspiracy had intrigued a group of tiefling scientists who decided to inquire further. A series of experiments were carried out to test his claims. A tiefling named Fredrich Strauss flew a cannon-propelled hot-air balloon as high as he could. Observers with spyglasses watched as he disappeared into the skies. Strauss was never seen again, and neither was the balloon.

  • -1490 GE

    The Revelation
    Scientific achievement

    The scientists who carried out the Atmosphere Experiment spent years researching Orchard Empire hieroglyphs. They combined several fragments of text on a coffin to finally make a cipher. The stories told about the 'One', who supposedly created all gods, realms, races, and even biafel. The theory of the One was a major revelation in both religion and science. But the question still remains, who is it? The Treefolk concluded that it must be Tulwapec. Others claim it's the Worldwound itself. Some even say it could be a group of people.

  • -1000 GE

    The Invention of Mechanical Wings
    Scientific achievement

    Askwit, and Aarokocra chieftain, forged mechanical wings to allow adopted tribe members to fly.

  • -449 GE

    -3 GE

    The War of the Eight Realms
    Military: War

    Peace and prosperity cannot last forever. And for the Dwarnan Empire it would end in -449GE. A Creyder agent had somehow made it into the crowd of a Valley Station parade. He fired off two shots from two different pistols, in which one hit the Dwarnan God-Emperor in the shoulder. The assassin was apprehended by a guard. He was dragged through the realm gate to Nerfaya by several soldiers and hung by the 'Feltree'. Before the soldiers could make it home, thirteen Gatekeeper Union militiamen kill the Dwarnans.   The Mountain King launched massive propaganda campaigns to get as many volunteers as possible. Six-hundred thousand men rallied under the Dwarnan flag. They marched across the tundra and through the realm gate to Nerfaya.   Saying the Gatekeeper Union was underprepared is an understatement. Dwarnan soldiers swept through Gevena City, killing any opposition. Luckily Wilkes Taboth, the Creyder ambassador, managed to sneak past the soldiers and flee through the realm gate.   Two days after the Dwarnan occupation started, four-hundred thousand Creyder soldiers came to the aid of the Gatekeeper Union. The largest battle since since V-M-I Day ensued. The army of dwarves was forced out of Nerfaya and back into Valley Station. Sultan Alazin ordered his army to give chase out of sheer confidence.   The Dwarnans had faked their surrender in order to bait Alazin's men through the gate into a wall of pikes. The enemies kept pouring through, not knowing it was a trap. One-hundred thousand casualties were taken total.   The Archipelago Kingdoms soon got word of the war going on a few realms away. The council of kings voted to come to the aid of Dwarna, as they too are monarchists. After the formal declaration of war, the 300 Day Offensive began. Intense house-to-house combat began in Grendera City before a pyrrhic Archipelago Kingdom victory. The occupying forces looted and murdered for weeks on end before a new combatant entered the fray.   The Kingdom of Fey, being long-time allies of both nations in Creyder, had decided to intervene. Forty-thousand treefolk and elves marched through the realm gate and flanked Archipelago lines. They met up with resistance contacts and launched a guerilla-warfare campaign. After three-hundred days of war in Creyder, peace was finally within grasp.   With the Dwarnan Empire and Archipelago Kingdoms being deposed to their homelands, peace negotiations began. The Treaty of Ederton was held in the neutral Kingdom of Gradia. Nerfayan land was returned and the Dwarnans were forced to pay six-million gold by -2GE.

The Steel Eras

0 999 VE

During the Steel Eras nations focused on recovering from the War of the Eight Realms. Scientific discoveries were especially abundant in the much needed peacetime.

  • 1 SE

    The Third Birth and Second Death of the Mountain King
    Life, Birth

    The Mountain King, in a state of depression from his major defeat, took his own life. On the same day another skeletal dwarf was born. The family buried the baby underneath a statue of the past God-Emperor.

  • 4 SE

    5 SE

    The Undying Iceberg Moves Fourteen Inches
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The Undying Iceberg mysteriously moved an entire fourteen inches within a single year. Dwarnan scientists wave off the occurrence, informing the populous that it was due to increased snowfall in the year four.

  • 27 SE

    The Invention of Flintlocks
    Technological achievement

    A firearm that uses a flint-striking ignition mechanism that gradually replaced earlier firearm-ignition technologies, such as the matchlock, the wheellock, and the earlier flintlock mechanisms such as snaplock and snaphaunce.

  • 52 SE

    Orcs Resume Hostility
    Military action

    For the first time since the return of the God-Emperor and Mountain King, orcs launched an assault on Gallagach City. The dwarnans, without a king or leader, set up a desperate defense. They were pushed out of their treasury, the orcs looting and then fleeing the city. The Dwarnan economy was severely crippled.

  • 53 SE

    Black Thursday
    Disaster / Destruction

    After the looting of the Gallagach City treasury, the Dwarnan economy collapsed. As the most prominent and wealthy empire in all nine realms, it ruined the economy of all other nations. Millions perished from starvation, leaving the population of all the realms at a measly one million, a fifth of what it was at its peak.

  • 74 SE

    76 SE


    The buried child, now an adult, was finally set free after the statue was scrapped for its precious metals. He spent two years amassing great wealth by working with the pirate lord Batuna, soon returning to his homeland. He gave out all of the money he obtained to the citizens of Gallagach City, soon being appointed as the God-Emperor for a third time.

  • 83 SE

    Batuna Ascends
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Batuna was finally slain in the year 83SE. She was boarding a merchant ship when she received a bullet to the skull. The One chose her to be the Goddess of Sailing and the Sea.

  • 113 SE

    139 SE

    The Construction of the Oracle
    Construction beginning/end

    After 26 years of construction, the Oracle was finally complete. It was built to reach the height limit proposed by the Atmosphere Conspiracy and Experiment. Anyone who moved even an inch above the top of the tower would disappear. The one-thousand floors of the Oracle were abandoned by the Archipelago Kingdoms as it was far too expensive to maintain.

  • 244 SE

    246 SE

    The First Circumnavigation of a Realm
    Discovery, Scientific

    The famous minotaur explorer William Rak'Tuf successfully circumnavigated Fienden after two years of travel by wagon. The realms were proven to not be flat- but round instead.

  • 277 SE

    The Astronomical Categorization of the Sun
    Discovery, Scientific

    Treefolk astronomer William Wilkins finally categorized the type of star the Sun is after years of research. It is apparently a Pulsar, rotating an entire 714 times per second. Pulsars send out lighthouse-like beams of radiation that are larger than anything imaginable. It is believed that the pulsar is unable to radiate the realms due to the now widely-accepted Atmosphere Conspiracy.

  • 316 SE

    The Mountain King Conspiracy
    Discovery, Scientific

    Destiny, creator of the Atmosphere Conspiracy, went back to work. He researched the three returns of the God-Emperor Mountain and attributed them to reincarnation. Destiny believes that the Mountain King's reincarnation was interfered with by the One. That way the Mountain King could go on to fulfill the destiny of the Nine Realms.

  • 348 SE

    The Realm Conspiracy
    Discovery, Scientific

    Albert Weller, a devout follower of Destiny's work, researched the presence and astronomical locations of the separate realms. By going back and forth through a realm gate with a telescope he discovered that all realms are in the exact same position in the exact same solar system. But if nobody can pass through the atmosphere without disappearing, how can they see through it?

  • 370 SE

    The Biafel Conspiracy
    Discovery, Scientific

    The dragonborn scholar Peter IV made a scientific breakthrough in his research of biafel. He went back through elven documents in -9510EC and noticed that they only ever wrote about four seasons. Biafel wasn't documented by the elves until -9222, the exact year that the Orchard Empire collapsed. Peter IV wrote that either the One created biafel in response to the collapse or the Orchard Empire were destroyed by biafel- their own creation. The Biafel Conspiracy is dismissed by the majority of scholars due to its poor grammar, but that is due to Peter IV's native language being Draconic.

  • 453 SE

    Black Thursday Ends
    Political event

    After four-hundred years of the Black Thursday crisis, economic hardship finally comes to an end. The majority of nations across the realms cut all trade from Dwarna to ensure that it would never happen again. Dwarna, unable to sustain its massive population without trade, was set on a course for steady economic decline.

  • 522 SE

    The Invention of Caplocks
    Technological achievement

    Caplocks are a type of single-use percussion ignition device for muzzle loader firearm locks enabling them to fire reliably in any weather condition. This crucial invention gave rise to the cap lock mechanism or percussion lock system using percussion caps struck by the hammer to set off the gunpowder charge in percussion guns including percussion rifles and cap and ball firearms. Any firearm using a caplock mechanism is a percussion gun. Any long gun with a cap-lock mechanism and rifled barrel is a percussion rifle. Cap and ball describes cap-lock firearms discharging a single bore-diameter spherical bullet with each shot.

  • 594 SE

    The Sackiing of Halfin City
    Military: Battle

    Orcs from the Mistlands launched a massive sea-based raid against the halflings of the Hal-Frek Community. The food stores of Halfin City were looted and their farms were pillaged. The halflings were forced to pledge fealty to the Drow of the Underdark to survive.

  • 690 SE

    The First Werebear Sighting
    Discovery, Exploration

    An Aarakocra merchant on his way to the Elinov Federation was found dead on a street. His body was mangled beyond anything the reeve had seen. Four days later a man-bear was sighted in Garnawood. After a few decades many more were sighted, some even spreading to Dwarna.

  • 953 SE

    955 SE

    The Gradian Famine
    Disaster / Destruction

    An exiled treefolk known only as a monster went on a rampage through the Kingdom of Gradia, burning down the grain stockpiles for the capital. Thirty-thousand starved to death in two years.

The Volcanic Eras

1000 VE 2000 VE

  • 1002 VE

    The Eruption of Mount Talor, 'The Little Cataclysm'
    Disaster / Destruction

    Mount Talor, largest in the Crossway Mountain Chain, erupted. Ash filled the atmosphere, killing all crops in the realm. The lava poured through the tunnels and cave systems, eventually making it into the Underdark. The minotaurs were forced to evacuate to the surface, establishing a new city. Those who didn't make it to the city immigrated away as refugees.

  • 1121 VE

    The Formation of Present-Day Borders
    Political event

    The borders used in the present-day world were instated in 1121.    (Out of character, all the changes the party have made to borders are not counted in this historical entry. The 'present-day borders' are the borders from when the campaign started).

  • 1210 VE

    William Akatosh Senior Writes the "Peasants' Manifesto"

    A spectre is haunting the realms – the spectre of collectivism. All the powers of the old realms have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this spectre: God-Emperor and Ministro, President and Kaiser, Halen radicals and Greidr police-spies. Where is the party in opposition that has not been decried as collectivist by its opponents in power? Where is the opposition that has not hurled back the branding reproach of collectivism, against the more advanced opposition parties, as well as against its reactionary adversaries? Two things result from this fact: I. Collectivism is already acknowledged by all the realms' powers to be itself a power. II. It is high time that collectivists should openly, in the face of the whole world, publish their views, their aims, their tendencies, and meet this nursery tale of the Spectre of Collectivism with a manifesto of the party itself. To this end, Collectivists of various nationalities have assembled in Elinov City and sketched the following manifesto, to be published in common, dwarvish, sylvan, elvish, infernal, and draconic languages.

  • 1220 VE

    The 1220VE Census

    In 1220VE a population census was determined and recorded. The population of all eight inhabited realms totaled 3.7 million. The estimated population before the Worldwound opened was 1.2 billion.

  • 1327 VE

    1427 VE

    The Peasants' War
    Military: War

    As the Peasants' Manifesto became more and more widely available, workers across all realms rose up against their oppressors. One-hundred years of brutal military conflict ensued, with little result. The peasants won in the Elinov Federation, creating a fully Akatoshist society. In Elasvura the peasants managed to install a socialas government. All other nations either adopted minor reforms or eliminated the opposition. The legacy of the Peasants' War will forever be remembered, as five-hundred thousand were killed.

  • 1430 VE

    The 1430VE Census

    In 1430VE a population census was determined and recorded. The population of all eight inhabited realms totaled 3.5 million. 200,000 less than the last census.

  • 1452 VE

    28 /5 16:00

    Disaster / Destruction

    Cataclysm Report by ████████   14:00 - Minor tremors are detected in the Underdark. Mars Koltek, a drow child, is killed by a small cave-in.   14:30 - An immediate funeral service is held for Koltek.   14:45 - All two-thousand treefolk in Fienden funnel out of the realm gate into Sargot for unknown reasons. When questioned they were unresponsive.   14:53 - Non-sentient trees begin ██████████████████████████.   15:25 - Mount Talor becomes dormant.   15:27 - A document writes that 'the beams of the sun went out' for approximately 4.2 seconds.   15:30 - Several cave-ins occur in drow mineshafts.   15:35 - Funeral services are prepared.   15:45 - The last treefolk and ██████████████ make it out of the realm gate into ██████.   15:46 - Fienden's realm gate closes.   15:50 - Tiefling immigrants are unable to open the realm gate back up.   15:55 - Local guards are called in to asses the situation. They are confused.   15:56 - The Drow hold a festival, with every member of the species being present besides a PoW.   15:59 - ████████████████████████████████████.   16:00 - All mountains in Fienden have their peaks blown off, converting into volcanos by unknown means. The Underdark caves-in with no survivors.   16:02 - The eternal midnight begins as ash clouds the atmosphere. Thousands go blind from the sudden flashes of volcanic explosions.   16:03 - The realm gate reopens.   16:05 - 60% of the population of Fienden is estimated to be dead.   16:06 - A small portion of the minotaurs are able to make it to safety alongside a huge portion of tieflings.   16:07 - The Runlkfol University, a campus housing 2.6k students, 61 teachers, and 3.7k parents is destroyed by a landslide. Only two tieflings made it out, with one dying on the way to the realm gate.   16:08 - 75% of the population of Fienden is estimated to be dead.   16:09 - One drow being held prisoner is released while her captors flee. They are currently considered the last of their race.   16:10 - A category ███ earthquake occurs, instantly killing everyone who hasn't escaped already.   16:11 - The Fienden realm gate once again closes.   16:12 - Desperate family members attempt to get back through to save those they left behind in the chaos. 59 people (54 of which were children) were trampled and smothered.   16:14 - The realm gate reopens with all ash in the atmosphere being gone. Fienden was reduced to a wasteland.   18:00 - Refugees are distributed across the habitable realms by the Mountain King, who was the first governmental figure to assist the survivors.   19:00 - Realm-wide funerals begin.

  • 1453 VE

    4 /1 12:00

    The Great Elasvuran Fire
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Elasvuran lumbermill is set ablaze by two treefolk, Maz and Table. The town firefighter was killed, presumably in the fire, rendering the fire unstoppable. The capital of Elasvura and the largest city in Denaunt was burnt to the ground.

  • 1453 VE

    4 /1 22:00

    The Fourth Greidr-Elasvuran War Begins
    Military: War

    Minister Ross the Conqueror of Greidr took advantage of the Great Elasvuran Fire, declaring war on his weakened rival.

  • 1453 VE

    9 /1 13:00

    The Bombing of San Rivera
    Disaster / Destruction

    The city of San Rivera is vaporized in an instant. There are no known survivors and there are no hints towards what occurred.

  • 1453 VE

    15 /1 9:00

    The Assassination of Algemeinnes Franco
    Life, Death

    Alg. Franco's manor was found burnt to the ground. It is assumed that a local called the 'Arsonist' was responsible.

  • 1453 VE

    16 /1 02:00

    The Collapse of the Greidr Republic

    All members of the Greidr council were killed by their own hands. Minister Ross the Conqueror resigned but was found murdered shortly after.

  • 1453 VE

    16 /1 17:00

    The Treaty of Greidr Palace
    Political event

    Due to Greidr completely collapsing, the Elasvuran Ministro took control of the Denauntian Mainland.

  • 1453 VE

    21 /1 9:00

    The Deiascire Slaughter
    Disaster / Destruction

    In the early morning of the 21st of Spring, nine assailants boarded and assaulted a top-priority Dwarnan transport. Eleven Dwarnan soldiers were killed including Commanding General Vornir Kelka. Longunner Thomas Wilson, a newly-named war hero, detained all assailants before receiving a medal from the Mountain King himself. The prisoners are due to arrive at Gallagach City on the 26th of Spring for trial.

  • 1454 VE

    14 /2

    Gladiville Secedes, Denko Takes Over
    Political event

    General Denko, the Commanding General of the Dwarnan Empire, seceded from the Mountain King's rule. He united the Aarakocra and Goliath populous under the banner of Gladiville. Unfortunately for Denko, his forces were relatively scattered due to the Rot.

  • 1454 VE

    4 /3

    The Fourth Birth and Third Death of the Mountain King
    Life, Birth

    The Mountain King was slain in Iceberg Fort by the forces of General Denko. Stability did not last long, as Denko prepared for a siege of Gallagach City. On the same day, a skeletal dwarf was born in Fienden's repurposed chapel.

  • 1454 VE

    20 /3

    The Dwarna Crisis Erupts
    Military: War

    For the first time in thousands of years, Dwarna is no longer a united realm. Following the third death of the Mountain King, Dwarna erupted into civil war. Three sides emerged from the ashes, Denko's Remnant, the Bishop's Remnant, and the Gallagach Remnant. Denko's Remnant is lead by General Denko of Gladiville. The Bishop's Remnant is lead by Bishop Yalgumir in Valley Station. Finally, the Gallgach Remnant is lead by Craftsdwarf Ubrik and the Thieves Guild. The only realm to ever fully unite has fallen.

  • 1454 VE

    22 /3

    Orgoth the Bloodletter Ascends
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Orgoth, the God of Lycanthropy and Curses ascended to godhood after slaying a massive delfara.

  • 1454 VE

    26 /3

    The Rot is Quelled
    Plague / Epidemic

    After the Krik'Ah in Gladiville is slain by a band of adventurers, the Rot disappears from Dwarna. Those who went blind remain so, but they rest well knowing that they wouldn't be transformed into creatures of undeath.

  • 1454 VE

    6 /4

    The Second Eruption of Mount Talor
    Disaster / Destruction

    Mount Talor erupts once more, spreading ash throughout the Underdark. Unfortunately, the ruins of the former tiefling capital were rendered uninhabitable temporarily. The Returned are now forced underground to Darkazi City.

  • 1454 VE

    11 /4

    Disaster / Destruction

    Early in the morning, residents of Sargot experienced a shockwave and several earthquakes. Arcane fire with a seemingly magic origins bursted from the ground north of New Greidr. Shortly before (and after) the event, the realm gate had closed. After the realm gate reopened, there was a mass exodus of refugees.   It happened again. Or at least it tried to happen again.