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This “town” is little more than a permanent tent city. Tents might move around as some travelers come and others leave. The only permanent structures/tents are the inn, shops, and the guard outpost. Some tents might be considered permanent; they’ve been there so long they won’t be moving (i.e. the Temple, the Council of Adventurer's tents, etc.). The town is built around a single dungeon structure. It is known as The Trial. This dungeon resets and presents a new challenge everytime someone new enters or re-enters. There is a culture built around The Trial. Most wouldn’t consider you a true adventurer until you’ve done the trial at least once. There is a complex system of betting established for those about to make a run through the trail (types of bets include duration of the run, if they finish, number of injuries, completion of individual rooms, etc.) This was once considered by many to be the first clue in the hunt for an ancient Relic. However, over the hundreds of years since it has been found that many have tried it and none have found anything more. Now it isn’t so much as a Relic clue as a rite of passage for young adventure seekers, rich individuals that want bragging rights, or those looking to beat the fastest time record. Every evening there is a raucous party. Drinking and revelry are common across the town, including drunken brawls and other debauchery.   Since there is no official town and no official government, laws and rules are pretty limited. There is a hierarchy based on experience or skill. Lower-level adventurers listen to higher level ones. About once or twice a month a rich young adventurer may come strolling into Camp, and because of the lack of wealth status in the town decide they are in charge. They quickly and often humiliatingly learn of the error of their ways. Money and wealth are not important to the running of the town. Those that are interested in such things will earn/find what they can and move on. Instead there is a Council of Adventurers that are impromptu leaders. There is no election or trial by combat or anything, just those most skilled and succesful (especially in the Trial) generally just move into a leadership position. The council works to ensure everyone visiting has a place to stay and won't starve, but they don't manage any of the day-to-day minutiae.


Almost half of the humanoids present are humans, often looking to prove their worth or practice their skills. The remaining races are all represented with elves, halflings, and gnomes slightly more common than the remaining races. However, the wealth in town can vary greatly. Many rich nobles come looking to prove their superiority. Many poor thugs and rogues come looking to make a better life for themselves. Almost everyone is an adventurer, willing to travel to find treasure or explore the unknown. Of course, the remaining professions typically make up professions that support a crowd of people, for example, cooks, innkeepers, shopkeepers, crafters, weaponsmiths, armorers, etc.


There is little in the way of formal government, nothing is owned or maintained by the council, so there are no taxes and no official laws. However, the council can decide someones behavior is out of line and punish them accordingly. As a result, violent crime is kept to a minimum, other than the occasional duel.

Industry & Trade

While most of the trade and industry is crude and laking true skill, a brooch of shielding is easily obtainable (for a moderate price) and commonly and skillfully created here. That is because it is needed for adventurers attempting The Trial.

Guilds and Factions

Many of the guilds and factions of the region have a presence in camp, but most have very little influence or interest in the town.
Founding Date
150 years ago
Alternative Name(s)
Tent City,
Outpost / Base
Inhabitant Demonym
Residents often refer to themselves as Camp-ers.


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