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Ekar Kor Shak

This large swath of swampy land lies between the western shore and [unnamed small moutain range]. Although the mountain range is small, the prevailing eastward winds and thick clay soil traps water in this area. Sparsely forested with tough wetland tolerant trees, this land is harsh and unforgiving. Uneven ground, sinking muck, and stretches of low grassy foliage dominate the landscape. Winters in the swamp can get cold, but the tree cover and influence of groundwater and flowing swamps means the forested swamps are relatively warmer than outlying areas. The tough travel conditions, natural mountain barrier, and harsh weather shelter this region from outside influence. The inhabitants have lived in the swamps for tens of tousands of years, with little attempts to conquer, subdue, or interfere.   Two main species inhabit the land, kobolds and half-orcs. The kobolds have one large ramshackle city, but its exact whereabouts are unknown. The kobolds are distrustful of any outsiders, except for local half-orcs. The kobold city itself is a fortress, those attempting to enter without permission run through countless traps and dangers. No siege has succeeded, leading some to believe that kobolds can live off mud itself. A tight knit community with a strict hierarchy based on skill and cunning, kobolds are quick to mistrust and fear no repercussions from outside societies. Occasional kobolds will leave the community or be banished, but even then they tend to live in the swamps in isolation. Half-orcs live feel at home in the swampy region and even believe all life on the continent stemmed from the swamp and consider it a historically significant region, the cradle of life for the world. In fact, the name literally means Beginning of life (a direct translation is 'begin from life'. Although shok is life and over time the name slowly changed to shak) in Orcish. They make use of a variety of magical implements that they created and/or are exclusive to this region. Widely misunderstood and feared because of it, most half-orcs feel the swamps of the homeland is the one place they can go to escape discrimination. Hel Konon, which means Black Tree in Orcish, is the largest city in the region.


This swampy region is low-lying and difficult to travel. No cartographer has ever mapped the entire region. The flow of the numerous waterways and shallow groundwater often changes over years, creating a constantly changing swamp.


The climate is generally temperate, with cold winters and warm summers. Most of the precipitation falls during the summer months and there are often unpredictable and dangerous monsoon-like storms that stall in the region. In the winter months there are usually several major snowstorms across the region every year.

Natural Resources

Some of the hardest wood can be found in this region, but care of planted forests is especially important so that a change in water movement patterns doesn't kill a stand of useful hardwood. The wood is so hard and dense because of the slow growth and dense grain. Other natural resources include medicinal herbs and reagents for magical items.


There is robust trade between the kobolds and half-orcs, but little tourism from civilization outside the swamp. Many consider the land too treacherous and rewards for visiting too meager. Many half-orc merchants travel from Hel Konon to other major cities every year in great caravans of hundreds, sometimes thousands of people.
Alternative Name(s)
The Black Swamp


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