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This precious and rare metal can only be found mined in the Spines of Tarrasque Mountain Range. The kingdom of Imperlia has an effective monopoly on the creation and mining of mithral as a result. However, even though it can be found in the mountains, it is by no means abundant. This metal can only be found in some of the deepest and consequently most dangerous mines in the kingdom. Many of these mines have lain abandoned for hundreds if not thousands of years. Mining the mithral is no easy feat, either. The metal almost seems alive and reacts to the physical andmental presence of people nearby. It is said that in decades past miners had to train both physically and mentally to extract the material. In many cases the owner of the mithral was needed to mine the metal, so that it could 'bond' with the new owner and become more malleable and usable.    The same qualities that make this metal so difficult to extract also make it excellent for weapons, armor, and important tools. Unnaturally hard and light, it is resistant to decay and wear. It creates a somewhat metnal 'bond' with its owner. Armor and weapons seem not only lighter, but capable of protecting and attacking more easily and succesfully. Those that wear their armor over many years claim that the armor actually shifts and moves over the course of years to provide a better fit and to be more protective.   The metal is easily distinguishable by its white-silver look, with an almost ghostly sheen. It is almost always cold, even when exposed to heat that would melt other materials.


Material Characteristics

This ghostly white-silver metal seems lighter than it looks.

Physical & Chemical Properties

This metal is cold to the touch and is restistant to wear and decay. Some claim it is resistant to magical effects. It seems to have some psychic properties and frequently requires a 'bond' with its owner to be smelted, molded, or crafted. It floats (but armor made from mithral is not bouyant enough to make a humanoid float).

Geology & Geography

Mithral is only found deep underground in the Spines of Tarrasque Mountain Range, in the kingdom of Imperlia.
a shiny, metallic white-silver sheen
Melting / Freezing Point
at least 1,800 degrees C
.8 g/ml
Common State


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