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This species is often described as a sentient mushroom. While a little more complicated than that, they are a sentient fungus that lives in the underground regions of Imperlia. They grow as colonies and are connected both magically through spores and physically through a mycelia network. They function as more of a collective mind, than as individual species. Often the oldest and largest myconid becomes the speaker, through which the colony speaks to outsiders.   All the known living myconids live in a symbiotic relationship with the Goblinoids of Imperlia, specifically the Farmers Clan (one of the many houses in the Imperlia government). The Farmers Clan collects trash, refuse, and waste to use as fertilizer for the myconid colony. In exchange for an essentially limitless supply of food and protection, the myconids provide edible, non-sentient mushrooms to the Farmers Clan to feed Imperlia denizens. This arrangement is a secret from almost all of Imperlia. Those in the Farmers Clan that work with myconids are sworn to secrecy, as is the governing council. However, beyond that slim realm, very few know about the true nature of the Imperlia mushroom farms. Most think they are just simple mushroom farms, where waste is turned into food.

Basic Information


This species is created from spores and has a mycelia network instead of a nervous system. While many individiuals can differ in appearance, they are all generally humanoid looking and capable of moving on two or more legs.

Genetics and Reproduction

The individuals reproduce asexually through spores, however a sizable amount of organic material is needed to create one adult myconid. This process typically takes 6 months to one year for a fully sentient myconid to develop. Non-sentient fungus-like offshoots require substantially less organic material.

Ecology and Habitats

This species is a detrivore, eating dead and decaying matter. A dark, moist place, far from the sun is the ideal growing condition.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The myconids have a unique partnership with the goblinoids (and through the goblinoids, other species) in Imperlia. The goblins collect all the waste and refuse created by the underground communities and uses them as food for the myconid colony. In exchange, the myconids provide non-sentient mushrooms as a food source for Imperlia. This agreement has existed in secret for many thousands of years.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

All species have a mycelia network, which connects their body and connects with other myconids in the area. This mycelia net allows individuals to see their surroundings, but it is also used by the collective to grasp a vast understanding of the world around them. They also have semi-magical spores that allow the collective to telepathically communicate with anyone that has come into contact with the spores.


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