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Path of Silver Light

(Note that this religion was inspired by a combination of the Silver Flame and Path of Light from the 5e Eberron campaign books).   This order worships the Sovereign Host together, believing that they keep the balance of light vs dark tipped in the light’s favor. All of the Sovereign Host is needed for this and all should be shown respect and worship. This religion is almost entirely dedicated to helping people. While healing services are a part of that, it is only a small part. Their temples serve as shrines and barracks for those needing a place to sleep. Feeding the hungry and providing clothes to those in need are considered some of the most important tasks. They are also very adept at finding and removing corruption. The order understands that corruption invetably harms the population and only helps those already in power. Their area of influence includes almost all of the land in Silvestris and The Southern Accords. Some outposts and temples are present in unclaimed territories, but aid and assistance from larger cities can be sporadic in these remote locations.   Preists serve as guides and leaders. There are no specific rites or ceremonies that are practiced unversally across the order. Each faction or city may have its own unique customs, but the main commonality is the role of a priest as a guide to virtue. Reconcilation and consulation services are always available for anyone. Priests are always ready to help anyone with choosing the most virtuous path, whether the problem is small or large. The highest priest is known as The Silver Lightkeeper. He/She is the most venerable and religious person of all the order. This includes acts of virtue and bravery. His/Her word is law and they are able to make some changes to doctrine. They typically reside in the largest temple of the Sovereign Host in Caligo and/or frequently travel with a small entourage to personally assist those in need (especially from natural or other disasters) or seek out corruption.   Templars serve as enforcers and thier main task is to root out corruption. This includes corruption in government, private businesss, smuggling, and other guilds. They are revered among the people of the land as righteous and fair. Of course, even Templars can become corrupt so not even Templars themselves are above investigation from other Templars. In fact, there are few places a Templar can go within the countries of Silvestris and The Southern Accords. However, Aasilar and Imperlia practice their own religions and intereference by Path of Silver Light Templars is not allowed.   Tenets-
  • Act with compassion and courage, each noble act is a step on the path toward good and enlightenment
  • Every mortal soul can be the light, inspire and guide others to a virtuous path
  • The gods are the highest examples of virtue and good, we should emulate their actions and beliefs


There is a heirarchy of titles for the organization. There are two main paths in the order, priests and templars. The heirarchy of priests starts from priests -> acolytes -> cardinal -> archpriest The heirarchy of templars starts from templar -> knight -> champion -> High Templar The Silver Lightkeeper is the head of both paths, directing and leading both priests and templars.

We must each find the path that leads to light

Religious, Holy Order


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