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The Book of the Gods

Many thousands of years ago there was a great calamity that shaped the continent into what it is today. No one knows what exactly the great calamity was, all mention in writing or oral tradition have been lost. In fact, there is very little evidence of a calamity at all today, only a few rare, obscure, and impossibly difficult to find tomes contain any mention of the calamity at all. However, there is one relic that ws born from this calamity. It is known as The Book of the Gods, but it's name has been forgotten to history. It is now only known as The Relic. There are no creation stories about The Relic, it has always been and will continue exist. There is a myth or belief by many that discovering The Relic will give you some awesome power to shape the world. Some claim it is a weapon, others the means to immortality, and some even say it grants wishes. The only thing these stories agree on is that the world will never be the same once discovered and those who discover it will be remembered forever. Many have a strong personal belief that The Relic will be found in their time and bring the world into an age of enlightenment and peace. Many dedicate their entire lives searching for clues to The Relic's location.   The Relic is so coveted that, unbeknownst to mortals, even demons and devils race to find it. Although race may not be the most appropriate word, since many thousands of years have past and still no sign of The Relic. Many reasonable people and species have decided the story is a myth. This includes denizens of most other planes, including the elmental planes and the shadowfell. The realms of heaven and hell still war to gain access to The Relic (although if it wasn't for the relic it could be just about any other reason).   The Book of the Gods does actually exist, however it has been hidden beneath layer upon layer of puzzle and dungeon. Created by the gods, it was deemed too dangerous and they tried to destroy it. It resisted all attempts of destruction, so the gods hid it as best they could on the mortal realm. It was written alternately in Celestial, Dragconic, and Infernal and the languages were scoured from the world as much as possible. Is it a weapon? Does it grant wishes? Does it give power? Yes, and much more. Anyone reading and following the rituals in the book can attain immortality, godhood, and near-infinite power. This type of power could never be allowed in any mortals hand, be them humanoid, elemental, infernal, or other.


This book has never had an owner, the mere idea of someone reading the book can send the gods into a furor.
Item type
Book / Document
Creation Date
3 lbs
6" wide x 9" tall x 3" thick


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