Persephone Chthonia

Aristi Cthonia Persephone Kore Chthonia- Thesmophoroi (a.k.a. Despoina, Erishkegal, Hagne, Kore, Malivina, Melinoia, Melitodes, Neotera, Nestis, Praxidike, Proserpina)

Ruler of the Dead, Goddess of the Underworld and Maiden of Spring, Persephone is one of the oldest deities in the Realms. Part of the second emanation, which the Creatrix made in the beginning, many theorize whether Persephone was the original spectre or attempt at death. 

Meant to be cyclical, Persephone is as much a goddess of nature and springtime as she is the chthonic Queen. Predating the myths of her arranged marriage with Hades Pluto Chthon, Persephone under the guise of Erishkegal is the originator of all thing Chthonic.

None cross her, who knows what's good for them.

Divine Domains

Queen of the Dead
The Underworld


The Pomegranate & the Throne. Grain & seeds.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To care for the dead, to grow and come to harvest then descend to the Underworld in its cycles.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

One of the original emanations, Persephone was born of the Creatrix's desire to see life come through its full course. Yet, knowing all beings required an example, the Creatrix made Persephone's journey a cyclical one. This is speculation, as it's deucedly difficult to narrow Persephone down for an interview. She is, after all, supremely busy with the largest dominion of any deity, spirit or Realm. 

You sapient beings do trend to die a lot.

Gender Identity

Persephone is another emanation of pure feminine energy, the feminine womb of nature and the cave of said womb. She is the Maiden and the Queen in her Majesty.


Although the history of her arranged marriage is tragic in its beginning (See: Zeus Yet Again Messing Things Up), Persephone and Hades have a loyal, loving and monogamous marriage. They weather all trials together, dote upon each other, and as she spends six months of each year in the Hellene Realm instead of her beloved Underworld, by the time they reconnect both spouses are ravenous for each other. 

Six months a year with no companion but her mother would do that. If you need further indication of Persephone's sexuality, know this. Persephone, when reunited with Demeter, spends a fair bit of leisure time with Aphrodite Venus Ourania and Hera Juno Olympia, the Olympians of Love and Marriage.


"I awoke as the first grasses stroked upon the Realm, formed the Underworld with my whispers and whims. I watched all mortal beings in their travails at life and their just rewards at death, and learned many pieces of wisdom otherwise lost to time and Death's eternal chill. I am the Aristi Cthonia, she who knows all hidden things... no. I don't have a degree."


Monarch of Death and the Dead.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kind but just to the nth degree, Persephone has a firm compassion for the deceased, but is not easily manipulated or fooled. She's seen it all. It does not take much to get from her good side to being punished for injustices committed in life.    It is impossible to lie to Persephone.

Morality & Philosophy

Persephone like her spouse Hades is known for one firm and unbreakable habit: they perpetually follow the rules. To the letter of the law, they rule their dominion. No exceptions, no looking away.


Persephone Chthonia

Wife (Vital)

Towards Hades Pluto Chthon



Hades Pluto Chthon

Husband (Vital)

Towards Persephone Chthonia




It started rocky, with Hades unwittingly abducting her down to the Underworld. In his defence, he was told at the time she was both waiting for him, and willing to be his wife, when Zeus, Persephone's father, gave his daughter in marriage without consulting her or Demeter, her mother.    Unhappy with the decision, Persephone and Demeter fought to reverse it, but a law was a law. Persephone soon learned Hades' desires were both genuine and not dangerous. He was a man who did the best he could with the situation caused by Zeus' callousness. Thus, he opened his hands and let Persephone go.    Yet, because Persephone ate six pomegranate seeds (food of the dead), she could not return fully to the land of the living. Persephone soon did not mind this, as Hades courted her over time.    And soon, they grew to love each other in a radical and honest way. Hades dotes on Persephone with a passion, she is his light and his Queen, everything good and whole in his life comes from her. And Persephone relies on and adores her Consort.

Nicknames & Petnames

Hades calls her Kore and Sepho, Persephone calls him Love.

Divine Classification
Hades Pluto Chthon (Husband)

Character Portrait image: Persephone Chthonia


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