Krylyk Character in Jungles of Chult | World Anvil
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Krylyk is one of the Shark-people who dwell in the seas surrounding Chult, though seemingly an outcast. He is a stopped yet powerfully built individual, webbed hands and feet, powerful tail, and crushing jaws, his eyes are those of an apex predator. His body is armoured in the flotsam and jetsam of the sea, a wooden ship's wheel for his shield, a trident bound together with weeds and bones, and throughout are crawling all manner of oceanic lifeforms, limpets, molluscs, starfish claim Krylyk's body as their home. In battle, his almost spiritual connection with the life of the Sea aids him, the creatures rising and attacking with him. His close companion is a giant blue crab named Crabriella.   Krylyk joined The Sexiles during their exploration of the Grippli Fishing Outpost, venturing with them to save the Grippli from a Yuan-Ti invasion of their Villiage. He stayed in the villiage to keep watch, believing the nearby ruins contained some other evil that might threaten the natural order.
Current Status
Watching over the ruins near the Grippli Villiage
Current Location


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