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Juriah Sector


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Editorial Team

The Juriah Sector stands on the edge of Imperial space and borders three of the most dangerous warfronts in the Imperium. From the Veiled Region comes the devouring swarms of Hive Fleet Leviathan and the mysterious silent legions of the Necrons. From coreward comes the screaming hordes of Ork Waaaghs pushed ever onwards by Ghazghkull Thraka. Though possible worst of all the sector has become rife with the taint of chaos due to the opening of the Citric Maledictum. Yet the Imperial defenders of the region still hold firm but the question remains; will the sector fall to the encroaching darkness?   The Core Factions and their relationship with the Juriah Sector:
The Imperium of Man: The Juriah Sector is an official Sector of the Imperium of Man and as such most of its worlds are held under Imperial law and ruled by Imperial Planetary governors.
Forces of Chaos: Like the entire Galaxy the Juriah Sector has numerous Chaos forces raiding its worlds and many worlds often fall to chaos uprisings.
Aeldari: The Eldar in this sector have a notable presence if only in the background. The Juriah Sector is infamous for its numerous but merciful Corsair fleets, robbing merchants and supply vessels in bloodless raids.
Drukhari: The Dark Eldar have little to no presence in the Juriah sector, occasionally appearing from the webway to raid it.
Necrons: The Veiled Region borders the Juriah sector and is filled with Necron Dynasties, squabbling, raiding and seeking to expand into the sector.
Orks: Orks have been flooding into the sector from the Core of the galaxy driven ahead of Ghazghul's great Waaagh!.
T'au Empire: The T'au Empire has no real presence in the Juriah Sector. What few Tau can be found in the sector are the scattered remnants of the 5th sphere expansion transported into the sector by the opening on the cicatrix maledictum.
Tyrannids: The Juriah Sector has been fortunate as no major Tyranid hive Fleets have actually entered Imperial space but still Leviathan and Mythos gnaw at their borders.