Goblin Battlechew
Goblin battlechew was the colloquial name for a long goblin tradition of smoking specially cultivated strains of Firegrass with the smoke from other herbs, then braiding the grass into necklaces.
It was popular with goblins, especially warriors, who chewed it before a fight, helping dull both pain and fear.
When chewed it provided a mild euphoria, stifled fear and gave a sense of invulnerability.
Each necklace could be used 5 times before the effects were used up.
User would quickly chew the necklace, and then gain Advantage on wisdom saves vs Fear and a DR of 1 for 30 Minutes.
After the effect ended, user makes a Constitution saving throw equal to 12+# of times used in a month. This save is halved for goblins.
On a fail the user takes 1 point of exhaustion.
Item type
Drug / Narcotic / Medicine
1/16 oz
Base Price