Shellborne of the Everlake
The Shellborne of the Everlake are a group of peoples that live on the backs of the vast turtles in the Everlake. These settlements range in size from small villages to moderate towns, depending on the size of the Vastshells they live on. The Vastshells follow a steady rotation of the lake, most taking 3 years to complete a full rotation.
Shellborne live their lives on the waters of the Everlake, following the migratory feeding of the Vastshells. While not xenophobic, Shellborne view outsiders as uptight and silly for obsessing about money and power. Shellborne value Freedom, Kindness, and love.
Ability score increase: Charisma increases by 1 Skills: You have proficiency with Athletics or Survival Aquatic People: You have a swim speed of 20 and proficiency with water vehicles. Shellborne Weapons training: You have proficiency with nets, spears, tridents and pikes.
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