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Turkey Size birds possessing acid spittle, paralyzing toxins, and a seething hatred and hunger, Terrorbirds are aggressive and nasty flightless birds native to Kyneslund

Basic Information


2 legs, with large clawed feet, rotund body, powerful, if ineffective wings. Large curved beak

Ecology and Habitats

Primarially found in grassy areas, though also in adjacent woody and rocky regions.

Dietary Needs and Habits


Additional Information

Social Structure

Flocks, ruled by the most vicious.


Please don't try at home

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Can be eaten, and their acid can be harvested. Feathers make shockingly good flights and are good for enchantment

Geographic Origin and Distribution

across Kyneslund

Average Intelligence

7 years
Average Height
3.5 feet tall
Average Weight
40 lb
Average Length
3 feet


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