Bell Dorm

The oldest dorm on campus. The elevator is only working maybe once a week at the beginning of the semester, and once a month if you’re lucky by the end. Also there are more than a few rumors that it’s haunted? But hey, who can beat that vintage charm? Just don’t make popcorn late at night if you know what’s good for you. Those smoke detectors can be a bit… sensitive. But not as much as your dormmates you might wake up at 2 AM because you wanted a snack.   Accommodations: two students per room. Includes a mini fridge, a microwave, and a separate bathroom with shower, sink, and toilet. You have one walk in closet, two beds, two dressers, two desks, and two desk chairs that also come with the room. Washer and dryers are in the basement. Each floor has a study room with… comfy (well lived in) furniture.


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