To the north-west of the continent is the great land-locked sea referred to simply as the Ō-Mizu. Spanning nearly half the width of the continent, the Ō-Mizu's shores are dotted with small fishing villages that help fishermen and pearl divers make a living. The great fishing city of Taki-Hoshi and it's infamous Torii gate are located on the Ō-Mizu's north-west shore and provides Kōryō with over 60% of the seafood consumed within its borders.
The Ō-Mizu's waters are clear and sparkle like innumerable diamonds under the suns rays. While the majority of the Ō-Mizu is bordered by grassy wetlands, it's north and north-east shores are home to rocky cliff-faces that make navigating the choppy water difficult for the novice sailor.
A network of underground caverns populated by slimes, oozes, and other horrors attracted to the damp environment run beneath the Ō-Mizu.
A network of underground caverns populated by slimes, oozes, and other horrors attracted to the damp environment run beneath the Ō-Mizu.
Fauna & Flora
Myriad species of fish and aquatic vegetation. The natural wellspring of magic that seeps through Kōryō has ensured that they are of the highest quality.
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Water
Inland Sea