BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Xenobia is a young Pheres centaur trained as a warrior. She was cast out by her tribe for the mooting the wild idea of going into the human lands to learn about their ways and tactics. While on the road, she heard that the new cult of Dionysus had come to Kadmeia, and was causing a bit of an uproar. Curious, Xenobia went to Rabdos to investigate. She met some travelers along the road who said they were going up to the hills to join in with revelers. They were pretty happy-go-lucky - young people leaving home as if they were going to a large outdoor feast. They gravitated toward a set of tombs above a port town, where they were engaged in merrymaking of various kinds, until someone suggested going down into the town marketplace to get more revelers to join in. Xenobia joined the revelers, and already on the first night after her arrival, she heard stories about an altercation that happened in the market. One satyr named Pyro was pretty battered and bruised. He told her that another one tried to steal his name, and then, someone set a swarm of bees after him. He barely got away with his life. Intrigued, Xenobia asked if he knew where the satyr had gone, wondering if he could be a sorcerer of some sort. To this, the satyr called Pyro replied that he didn't know if the other satyr is a sorcerer, but he knew he was a thief. He also says that he was in the employ of evil gods, who stand against Dionysus, even though he disguises himself as one of them.   Soon after, more revelers arrived, and decided that the authorities of the town are too backward-looking to recognize Dionysus, so they plan on gathering more people in order to stop all traffic between the port and the capital. Thinking tactically, Xenobia suggested that in order to really undermine the authorities, who put their weakness on full display, a bold move may be to burn the boars that bring precious cargo from beyond the sea. Zagreus, hearing this, told Xenobia that this would indeed be a bold move, and encouraged her to go into Ormos to do so.   And into Ormos Xenobia went...
Coal black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
850 lbs.


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