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Unique Items of Kaerkon

This is a list of magic items that are unique to Kaerkon (aka homebrewed for this world). Items that are not wholly unique are listed here, while objects of heightened significance have their own article (e.g. the Draconic Shard of Marble).   NB: This article is subject to change over time after playtesting and new ideas come forward.      

Altering Helm

Wondrous item, Uncommon   This sleek metal helmet of dwarven make is decorated with spikes and chitinous outcroppings along the top, and while using this item's magical properties these shiver and hum slightly.   Once a day, a person wearing the helmet can use it to cast the Hallucinatory Terrain spell without expending a spell slot. The wearer must keep the helmet on for the entire duration of the casting time. Once the helmet has been used this way, the spell cannot be cast again unless the wearer expends a spell slot of their own of 4th level or higher.    

Belt of Returning

Wondrous item, Uncommon   A simple belt woven from leather strips and fleece, engraved with Sylvan runes. The belt holds 2 weapon sheaths and various adjustable loops for other equipment. If a weapon is placed against it for 1 hour, the weapon becomes linked. Up to 4 separate weapons can be linked to one Belt of Returning at once. While linked, if the weapon is 20 ft. or more away from the belt and not being wielded by a creature, the weapon magically teleports back into a sheath or loop at the start of the next round.   A weapon can be unlinked by being held by a creature at least 20 ft. away from the belt for 10 minutes. It can also be unlinked if Dispel Magic is cast on the weapon, or if the weapon lays in an Antimagic Zone for 10 minutes.


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