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Amatus, Old Deus of Debauchery, Festivity and Wonder

"You want to ask me what the meaning of life is? You already know, if you need to be reminded, bury yourself between someone's legs, raise a glass in merriment or step over that hill you've never climbed the top of, you'll find it there, the infinite sensation of ecstasy that drives all living beings."
— Amatus, Old Deus of Debauchery, Festivity and Wonder  
Click here to listen to this Arisen's theme song.

Amatus was created upon the birth of humanity for they could not exist without him. His very essence is the cornerstone for humanity, their creation, their drive and most importantly, their excitement for the unknown. He is often depicted in murals surrounded by beautiful men and women, drinking at wild parties and every so often, some claim to see him out in the wilds standing beneath a rainstorm of fallen stars.   Amatus loves mortals for the same reason someone loves money, because he sees them as material. Many have lain with this Arisen but none have done so twice, many consider him visiting their bed a curse as intercourse is thought to never be satisfactory again. He also frequently visits parties and waits in forgotten areas for a traveler to find it. Many who seek confidence or luck with relations will pray to Amatus before the event. In many taverns his symbol can be found and usually the party is loudest beneath it.   Drifting through ancient kingdoms and sleeping with exotic beauties, one may catch glimpses of him and find themselves feeling bright and energetic even if they should not be.   However he is not perfect, he sees humans as tools for pleasure and amusement and serves only himself, he does things purely because he wants to and is whimsical at best. Among Arisen he is sometimes seen as a pest, though his advancements are never distasteful or predatory. Amatus seeks a challenge and loves to tear things apart to see best how they enjoy things, his very existence is derived from the most carnal of desires and the deepest roots of exhilaration.    


Amatus is a middle aged man with curly red hair and sharp green eyes. While he isn't considered the pinnacle of beauty he carries incredible charisma and a powerful allure. Spry and impish looking, he wears robes that constantly change based on his mood and he always has a drink or a beautiful person on his arm, unless he is currently seeking someone. He has a court of the most gorgeous beings he has made immortal to keep his bed warm forever and is never seen without at least one of them.    


Amatus is the subject of ire for nearly every court as he has no objections to stepping into any conflict for a promise of a warm bed or soft skin against his. He views a fight like a party and because he is born from pure foundations is able to be rather daunting despite his lack of ability to fight or use any weaponry. While he never sides with one side exclusively, he lives for the potential to experience something, or someone, new.    

Commandments of Amatus:

  • Be restrained by no one lover, one partner- experience everyone.
  • Party without restraints, a party you can recall is no party at all.
  • Seek the unknown, find it and bring it to the light so others may marvel in its glory.
  • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
  • Category: Old Deus
  • Domains: Debauchery, Festivity and Wonder
  • Pantheon: Adamantian
  • Symbol: Goblet with dangling cherries
Amatus's Symbol

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