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Armaros, Old Deus of Power and Storms

"You're telling me you want an easy way to navigate this storm? Ha! Take control of your life! Go through the storm, brave through its strength and might through your own force of will and confidence alone! Or just sail through the eye of the storm and be a coward beneath my notice, whatever."
  • Armaros, Old Deus of Power and Storms

  • Click here to listen to this Arisen's theme song.

    Armaros represents the dark side of nature. The uncaring and destructive force that might strike at any time. More specifically, he is the god of power, lightning, and storms, and his personality is equal in measure to their bravado. Whether that be the lightning bolt that starts a blazing inferno, the storm that leaves those beneath its power in awe, the tornado that sweeps through and destroys all in its path unopposed, these are all mere fragments of Armaros' power. Any may dwell within Armaros' rank, whether they be the ambitious knight, the power hungry raider, the determined warrior, it does not matter so long as they aspire to greatness. To this account, he also includes royalty, nobles, and inventors in his repertoire of followers.   What is life but a series of random events? Events of which you have no control, but you must navigate through nonetheless. It's pure chaos. But, it is still free. The choice is still yours to go out and aspire to complete and utter greatness. To be self-confident. To be smug. To believe, no, to know that your strength and your strength alone is what will carry you through it all. It does not matter if you're the strongest, or the weakest of them all. Simply seek more. Want more. And set out to achieve it.   Although Armaros is a popular deity, his name is invoked more often out of fear than out of reverence. He does have priests, though their coming often forebodes terrible disasters. Many among them accept charity in exchange for blessings of protection, however. Whether those blessings actually stand the test against an unstoppable force is another matter, however.   As an additional sign of reverence, due to a phase Armaros went through in the distant past (he doesn't like to talk about it), many of his faithful smoke a pipe, even if they absolutely abhor smoking.    


    Although Armaros doesn't speak to his followers often, whenever he does, he materializes into humanoid form to strike fear and reverence into the hearts of his followers. Because of this, most representations of him are fairly accurate to his appearance: an arrogantly-smug male with a head of silver hair and disposition to looking refined, yet extremely smug at the same time.   On several occasions, Armaros has requested that his priesthood stop making effigies in his honor that smoke pipes, but the practice still continues on, despite his best efforts.    


    Armaros tends to get on of the nerves of the more serious gods, especially those who dislike his brash and impulsive nature. He has a tendency to suggest radical ideas without thinking (many Arisen note the incident that occurred when he suggested they should all have a set uniform) and will challenge other Arisen to fights over disputes.   He doesn't have much in the way of enemies, save for his self-proclaimed archnemesis, Silas. In short, Armaros has taken the nature god's passive and unassuming nature to be a personal slight against him, and will take every chance to show-up what he believes to be a good-for-nothing poser.   Beyond the gods, Armaros is revered by his followers, and oftentimes is the subject of prayer by sailors traveling through a storm (although prayer to Armaros is generally done as a last resort, as he is considered the god of ongoing storms, Mariana is prayed in order to prevent future storms).    

    Commandments of Armaros:

    • Be better!
    • Strike harder!
    • Make all bow beneath your brilliance, so none may doubt your excellence!
    • Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    • Category: Old Deus
    • Domains: Tempest
    • Pantheon: Adamantian
    • Symbol: Lightning crown
    Armaros's Symbol

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