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Cid, Old Deus of Knowledge and the Weave

“Make no mistake -- knowledge is power. The power to do good, the power to do evil. The power to help others or to be selfish. What you know, you must make a foreboding choice: what will you do when all the possible choices are laid at your feet? Will you accept the consequences? Will you understand it all?”
  • Cid, Old Deus of Knowledge and the Weave

  • Click here to listen to this Arisen's theme song.

      Cid is the Old Deus of Knowledge and the Weave. As aforementioned in his title, Cid presides over all magic and regulates advancement and dissemination of all magical knowledge, and tends to the Weave. Unlike the gods of Adamantis, he yearned only for the knowledge of the world for he did not care much about their affairs. In the many centuries he roamed, he gathered knowledge of Kagrea and outer space hitherto undreamt of. Cid kept all he wrote, all he remembered for the knowledge gathered could be used for affairs that can destroy the world.   He is pervasive in knowledge; his insatiable desire yearns for it above all. Therefore, he expects his followers that attain their own knowledge to be as hungry as he is – to pour through tomes, excavating ancient ruins, teaching would-be scholars, and gaining knowledge of the worlds outside. Nothing satisfies the mind more than information and what you can do with it.   However, Cid can be withholding. His vast library of knowledge can be used for anything, for good or evil. And if there’s anything that he knows more than the world and the Weave, the Arisen, and space and time itself, it is mortals and their ethics with their capacity for being unpredictable. Cid is very careful about giving anything to them, and as such chooses his followers carefully due to his extensive research.   They must prove their worth that they would use power through knowledge not for their own gain, but for everyone’s benefit including their own. They must accept the consequences of knowledge being given and taken.    


    Cid is shown to be a stout but an elderly dwarf, with white hair and long beard still peppered with youthful colors, his grey eyes behind silver teashades. He typically wears a white shirt with a brown leather vest and a red silk robe. What is always with him is a book or a tome of sorts in one hand and a pipe in another.    


    Cid doesn’t have anyone who would directly call him an enemy, nor he to others, in and out of the Adamantian Court. He is neutral in all affairs, giving expertise to any Arisen who would ask, even to those who oppose either side.    

    Commandments of Cid:

    • Knowledge is power. Do what you will with it for it is you who must accept the consequences.
    • Do not be afraid to gain knowledge. Use any tools or magic in your disposal to get what you need. But sometimes it is not worth to kill yourself over it. Use your judgement.
    • Anyone can know. But you must understand.
    • Alignment: Neutral
    • Category: Old Deus
    • Domains: Arcana, Knowledge, Sky
    • Pantheon: Adamantian
    • Symbol: A quill set in an inkwell
    Cid's Symbol

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