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Elegad, Old Deus of Honor, Justice, Family, and Unity

"The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. If you would take a man's life, you owe it to him to look into his eyes and hear his final words. And if you cannot bear to do that, then perhaps the man does not deserve to die."
— Elegad, the Old Deus of Honor, Justice, Family, and Unity  
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A Warrior unlike any the world had seen, a hero who shined in the darkness of the The Sundering and ascended to a new title when all was said and done, The Arisen of Honor. It is a title that is often said to be difficult to uphold, but Elegad does so with flying colors. The true representation of what honor can be, Elegad exists as the devotion to equality and fairness. Those who favor Elegad tend to be stiff-necked about matters of theology and laws, and treat discourse as binding agreements. That isn't to say he doesn't have casual followers⁠—the majority of worshipers to Elegad are soldiers away from home, looking for salvation in a never-ending war. Elegad's credo of lawfulness and honesty is a demanding one, and his priests remind the faithful not to hold in contempt others who can't live by it⁠—it wouldn't be an honorable calling if everyone could muster the strength of will to follow it.   Many orders of knighthood are devoted to Elegad, including the Order of the Holy Knights and the Imperial Spartans. Such knights—as well as judges and priests, clerics, and paladins who worship — sometimes wear thin strips of diaphanous cloth over their eyes to remind themselves of the blindness of justice.   Lastly, Elegad also presides over the domain of Family. Unsurprisingly, Elegad holds a special reverence for the ties that hold family together, and is often prayed to when matters of familial strife arise. Priests of Elegad have even been called in in certain situations to mediate familial conflicts as an unbiased, and fair party.  


  Elegad takes the form he had during his life: A tall white male with a golden head of hair and a strong set of plate armor with a shield. He is said to have one feature of each of the knights of the round table, But this has never been proven.  


It is well-known that Elegad has many enemies within the Adamantis courts. A Majority Of the Arisen with Evil Alignments, due to his work as a leader of Justice and Unity. It does not help that Elegad is the combative sort, seeking to debate most topics that fall under the jurisdiction of honor, justice, or unity. His opinions are open, and they are not well-received by those who oppose him. Particularly so by Arisen such as Roana, the Lady of Rebellion and Revenge. While Elegad remains stalwart, Roana's fiery, bombastic, and sometimes even crude nature often leads to the two engaging in shouting matches.   However, is it not accurate to say Elegad is not loved. Far from the truth, Elegad is generally upheld as being one of the more amicable Arisen within the Adamantis court.  

Commandments of Elegad:

  • Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
  • Be responsible for your Actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.
  • Be strong so those around you can feel ease. Take charge, but don't lose your way.
  • Alignment: Lawful Good
  • Category: Old Deus
  • Domains: Order, Honor, Family, Unity
  • Pantheon: Adamantian
  • Symbol: Knot of Unity
Elegad's Symbol

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