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Rokmir, Old Deus of Travel and Trade

"Have I traveled everywhere? Most likely, yes. But, that doesn't mean I've seen everything. The world is always changing! A forest that you visited fifty years ago, may have become a bustling settlement while you were gone. Or perhaps, home to a new species of deer or elk. There is always more to find, and discover. My travels are never done!"
  • Rokmir, Old Deus of Travel and Trade

  • Click here to listen to this Arisen's theme song.

    Ever since the dawn of its creation, the world has remain unexplored. No one has seen every inch of the world, every cave, every city, every forest, no one! Many have tried, but all have given up at some point for various reasons. Whether it be sickness, the frailty of old age, the desire to settle down, all have stopped their travels for some reason another. All, save Rokmir. Rokmir lived a normal life within his family's cottage, helping with the farm where he could, simply just doing his part. While he was content with his life, and loved his family dearly, the lure of the unknown called to him. The desire to travel and see the world was etched into his very soul, and it was a call he could not ignore for long. On the eve of his fourteenth birthday, Rokmir packed his bag with as much as he could bear to carry, and set out into the world.   Never had Rokmir been as happy as he was then. Exploring every cave, every forest, every city and its back alleys, Rokmir simply could not have enough. That, and it simply would do no good to leave other people blind to the wonders the world had to offer! For centuries, Rokmir traveled the world, gathering goods and items from one place before bringing to another to show them the delights that awaited them if they just left the roads they knew well, and dared to venture beyond. He never stayed in one place for long. Never idle, never wavering, he walked throughout the world in its most tranquil groves, to its most dangerous and unforgiving deserts. A smile on his face every day as he explored and discovered something new each day, while also trading goods from far away lands in exchange for new delights. Eventually, as happens to all mortals, death arrived nonetheless. Rokmir's legs and heart finally giving out one day as he walked along the road. This would mean the end for most, but there was still so much to see! With a will and a desire to learn that surpassed even death itself, Rokmir rose, and continued his travels into a place he had never even heard of.   The Adamantian Court.    


    Rokmir, a simple man, looks rather similar to how he did during his mortal lifetime. His appearance is rather ordinary, simply being a human man who looks to be in his early thirties at most. Wearing rather unassuming traveler's clothes, his most noticeable features being his beard and spectacles. A soft smile remains forever present on his lips, as Rokmir has come to appreciate all life after traveling the world for so very long.    


    Rokmir doesn't deign to call anyone his enemy, even if they are hostile towards him. It's hard to arouse his temper or sour his mood, none within the Adamantian Court ever having seen this happen. Not that he spends much time there, that is. The only ones who would consider calling Rokmir an enemy are those who would be extremely adverse to him traveling through their domains.    

    Commandments of Rokmir:

    • Never stay in one place for too long. Idle time is time you could be using to see more!
    • Appreciate all the world has to offer. There is always something you can learn in places you've never been to.
    • Be kind to all you come across, and try to understand their points of view. Every place has different customs, and views the world in a different way you've never seen before.
    • Always be looking to trade new goods from faraway lands to those you meet. It may be the push they need to go out and explore!
    • Alignment: Neutral Good
    • Category: Old Deus
    • Domains: Travel, Trade, Knowledge
    • Pantheon: Adamantian
    • Symbol: The World
    Rokmir's Symbol

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