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The Cursed Fields

Dust blows across the fields as the moon rises slowly, its glow not able to reach the ground anymore through the thick mist that settled during dusk. The icy wind brings a shiver as it carries the intense scent of decay with it. Sand and the stones now dark covered with crimson spores that have spread from the south bringing rot everywhere in its path. In the distance ghastly shadows of once fruit bearing trees are still visable as they dance in the wind. A land of ruin only just contained by the natural boundaries of the river that cuts it off.
  The Cursed Fields is a small part of the land located south of Azmar. It is named that by the villagers of Azmar after crimson spores slowly started to spread across their fields. It started small, before one crop harvest the villagers noticed small crimson spores, that look a lot like small drops of blood, appearing on some of their crops, leaving those crops to wilt from the inside, hollowing them out till only a fragile shell remains that is easily turned to dust. Over the following years more and more spores accumulated, leaving the village with less and less harvest. Slowly all crops rotted away, turning the land black as everything died.   Currently the curse is contained by the river, that splits the small town with their southren fields, by clerics of the using a combination of runes and holy magic. Quite a lot of villagers have already left or at least moved to the north side of Azmar, leaving the southren half of the village empty. Thus far it is unclear where the spores came from or why they appeared, nobody has traveled beyond the treeline that once marked the end of Azmar's southren fields.

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Cover image: by Eallixy using Artbreeder


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Oct 9, 2021 19:54 by Mochi

Is that every single prompt? Either way that's damn impressive! :D

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Oct 9, 2021 21:59 by Eallixy

Thanks, it's not every one, about 2/3th (moon, blood, mist, hollow, glow, stone, ice, rune, rot, ghast. dance, shiver (only ones), harvest, crimson, scent, dust, spore, dark, ruin and shadow), didn't feel like coming up with more text to include the other 10 as they don't totally fit what I'm going for as this is actually useful worldbuilding for a player of mine. Maybe I'll add a little more story elements about the people of Azmar and include the rest, but that's for later.

Oct 9, 2021 20:26 by Time Bender

Wow, that's amazing! You fit so many prompts (possibly all of them even) into one article! I'm amazed. Great job! :)

Oct 9, 2021 22:00 by Eallixy

Thanks! It's about 2/3th of the prompts, couldn't be bothered to figure out a way to add the rest yet, maybe later. ^^

Oct 10, 2021 18:34 by Time Bender

Still extremely impressive! Great work. :D