Rainbow Lizard

Rainbow lizards are a species of lizard that originally thrived in the Oradian rainforest in southern Amrisa. They are brightly colored with skin that changes in both pattern and color, and can even produce colors not visible to humans. Scientists believe that they use skin color to communicate needs or mood with each other and with humans, and to attract mates. Both males and females display the changing color patterns, with males generally exhibiting more intricate patterns in the presence of females.   Due to their beauty, many people kept rainbow lizards as exotic pets before the eruption of Mount Oacana. A few were even cared for at the Library of IFERA during the years immediately following The Disaster. By the time that Memorial Biodome was established in 81 AD, only three known rainbow lizards remained (including one male and two female). The Memorial Biodome conservators worked carefully to increase those numbers over time, and with the help of other Sanctuary City families, provided rainbow lizards with ideal greenhouse environments where they could be protected and continue to grow in number.   By 120 AD, the Memorial Biodome was beginning to reach capacity as many protected species increased in number. The conservators began to work with other Sanctuary City families that owned private greenhouses to allow them to host animals, including rainbow lizards. Over the next several decades, rainbow lizards were highly sought after by those who could maintain an environment for them.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

Female rainbow lizards usually lay between 3-5 eggs each spring, which can then be fertilized by a male. About 60-80 percent of those fertilized will be viable, hatching within 72 days. Female rainbow lizards are also capable of reproducing asexually from unfertilized eggs. In the event that no eggs are fertilized, approximately 10-20 percent of eggs may still produce a hatchling that is a genetic clone of the mother.

Growth Rate & Stages

Rainbow lizard hatchlings are usually only about 4-5 cm long. Ideally, the mothers care for them for the first month, but they can be safely separated after that. They reach adulthood within one year. Rainbow lizards can continue to grow their entire life, reaching up to 125 cm in length.

Ecology and Habitats

Rainbow lizards love hot and humid environments with plenty of fresh water around. If the temperature drops too low, their metabolism will slow and they become lethargic.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The rainbow lizards are herbivores, preferring to nibble on leafy green plants and flowers.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

As of 240 AD, all known rainbow lizards were living in greenhouse habitats in Sanctuary City.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Rainbow lizards use a variety of senses including sight, touch, smell, and hearing. In particular, they have exceptional vision, allowing them to perceive ten times more color than the average human, including ultraviolet and infrared.
12 years
Average Weight
3 to 6 kg
Average Length
Up to 125 cm
Rainbow lizard are able to communicate moods and needs through the brightly colored patterns on their skin

Hosting Rainbow Lizards

Rainbow lizards are closely monitored and protected by the conservators of Memorial Biodome. Sanctuary City families with greenhouses may apply to host one or two rainbow lizards. The application process ensures that the family has a suitable and safe habitat for the rainbow lizards, and can responsibly care for them. Rainbow lizards are still considered to be the property of Memorial Biodome, even when residing with host families, and strict penalties are imposed if the lizards are harmed or die from negligence or abuse.

Cover image: by Yinan Chen