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Basuran Cirlant Zeppelins

Basuran Merchant Zeppelin known as “Cirlant Caravans” led by a Volador. Each “Volador” is a Clan Elder or at a minimum the most influential (wealthy) person from within each local Basuran Family Clan of note.    These floating caravans are generally scheduled to arrive along their routes within a month of the set arrival date and will stay in a location anywhere between a few days up to several weeks depending on the size of the destination, complexity of deal or volume of trading the Volador seeks to accomplish.   The day they arrive is generally a joyous surprise to the everyday Kaiur no matter their race because all in the NKC have come to appreciate the trade and spectacle these Cirlant Caravans provide, especially the more remote villages which treat their arrival as a holiday for the entire town or village.  


  The Cirlant Caravan were sanctioned as a state sponsored group of travelling merchants and diplomatic missionaries to maintain the “Morale” of the Basuran settlements or more recently NKC outposts and allied settlements. The diplomatic missions are to win the “hearts and minds” of all Awoken Species across Ur.   To those that have experienced or heard about Basuran Cirlant Caravans they know they can expect trade ranging from exotic wildlife to incredible technology. Including some of the most over the top weaponry available to any living creature on the planet. One could also expect a dizzying amount of performers and circus like entertainment from the Basuran Cirlanti (Full time Cirlant Caravan Workers) and lately a growing amount of other Kaigen and NKC people.   These Cirlant Caravans are in constant rotation as they float from region to region cycling based on their Voladors success from previous year trades and subsequently their tithe to the Basuran Monarchs or bribes to well connected bureaucrats. The best trade routes, expansion writs and access to new regions are given to only the most successful Voladors tithes from the previous solar cycle.  

Cirlant Licensing & Trade Writs:

Licensing Cirlant Caravan operation and Commerce Writs for select trade routes are managed within the Basuran capital “Pilademont” located in the Northern Chaparrals of Basu, SW of the Gacu Isles. Each Volador or Cirlanti Captain must make the voyage every three solar rotations to lobby for certain routes, expansion or routes or charters to new territories.  

On Cirlanti Conflict:

Even though these trade caravans are largely peaceful to the outside observer the Basuran know the more complicated history and nature of the Cirlanti culture. Especially the long standing rivalries that exist between different Family-Clan Cirlant Caravan from the time of expansion and competition from this lucrative trade.   The most notable incidents between certain Cirlant Caravans were egregious acts of sabotage and violence between scores of loosely organized Family-Clans building competing trade alliances. At the zenith there were so many Family-Clans involved it nearly formed into a full on civil war if it was left unchecked.   This led to an intervention by the generally hands off monarchs of Basuran society. The Monarchy mandated a set of instruction and authority for the central government trade bureaus to begin strictly governing the trade routes and air space. All to keep the peace and avoid a full blown civil war.  

On Cirlant Skirmishing and Battles:

Cirlanti sky battles have led to some of the most destructive aerial battles Ur has known from the sheer amount of Kaiur and munitions involved. A Mekkan technologist aerotek researcher that has observed these battles once said:   “While the Skrynox are the masters of aerial warfare with unmatched aero engineering and precision takedowns; the Basuran Cirlanti are artists by the sheer display of firepower, wanton destruction and unrestrained arcane carnage that paints the horizon.”   These airborne skirmishes still occur on occasion, though to a much lesser degree of destruction. They are mostly kept off the books to settle grudges or handle disputes between certain Voladors or Family Clans using a rules of engagement or honorcode of sorts. Should they be caught there are heavy penalties and punishment for the Family-Clans leading the offending Cirlants.   The whole affair is almost contrary to Basuran reputations and far more barbaric then one would expect from the normally gentil Basuran.


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