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A gazer is a tiny manifestation of the dreams of a beholder. It resembles the beholder who dreamed it into existence, but its body is only 8 inches wide and it has only four eyestalks. It follows its creator like a devoted, aggressive puppy, and sometimes small packs of these creatures patrol their master’s lair for vermin to kill and lone creatures to harass.

A gazer can’t speak any languages but can approximate words and sentences it hears, mimicking them in a high-pitched, mocking manner. Beholders find gazers amusing and tolerate their presence like spoiled pets. Some beholders with wizard minions insist they take a gazer as a familiar because the beholders can see through the eyes of these creatures.

A wild gazer (one living separately from a beholder) is territorial, eats bugs and little animals, and is known for playing with its food. A lone wild gazer avoids picking fights with creatures that are Medium or larger, but a pack of them might take on larger prey. A gazer might follow the folk in its territory, noisily mimicking their speech and generally being a nuisance, until they leave the area, but it flees if confronted by something it can’t kill.


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