
The Elai'shar are a race of Kalka'shar who hail from the western end of Kalka'shar country. So named due to the higher numbers of people with white hair signifying extremely strong magical ability, they are known for their smithing, clothing and crafting exports.   Due to their close proximity to The Ashik'an Forest, Elai'shar are known to be imbibed with higher levels of magic and magical ability, and thus tend to be more muscular, heavily built and imposing than other Kalka'shar when in their physical forms. The land surrounding the forest is rich with clay, metals and other materials ideal for crafting, and so most affluent Kalka'shar turn to the west for their clothing, equipment and weaponry. Elai'shar boast the highest number of skilled Enchanters and Blacksmiths, and many of them are known to take the front lines in war efforts against the Shifters.   Elai'shar are not all powerful, however. Perhaps due to their increased power, their mortality rate is far lower than other Kalka'shar, with most dying through accelerated ageing or sickness before they reach 2000 years old. There are, however, accounts of some Elai'shar living longer than the average Kalka'shar, with the oldest recorded elder sitting at 3000 years old.


Art & Architecture

Elai'shar buildings are usually crafted from stone and carved with artful shapes. It is not unusual for an Elai'shar building to have a carved wall telling the story of its family history, which it is customary to view when first visiting their home. Their ships are decorated with fire beasts and sigils to bless the vessel with buoyancy and keep the water from getting in and harming its passengers.   Elai'shar art is usually made with shaped wires, metals and bright stone, made to be displayed in peoples' homes to commemorate their achievements, much like their physical decorations.


Beauty Ideals

Elai'shar are highly decorated, usually with scarification and jewellery representing their achievements and influence within society. Their hair is usually kept long and braided to bring attention to their power, and even the poorer Elai'shar will decorate their clothing in jewellery and other trinkets.

Cover image: by Juha Suhonen


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