Council Rank/Title in Kaladaan | World Anvil


Largely a self selecting position in most ways. However, there is a long history with very clear and stark reminders of what the citizenry do to council and council primes who do not perform as it were.

The council is the ultimate ruling authority in Tiiandarooh. It is widely held among the ordinary folk that Tiiandarooh thrives in spite of the council. The various organisations that support a civilisation though support the council's ongoinig existence.

The council selects the Council Prime and there is a strange flow and counterflow of power between the Council as a collective and the Council Prime. In effect, individual council members serve at the pleasure of the Council Prime - yet as a collective the Council can remove the Council Prime.


No formal qualifications seem to be required. Good standing in the community and reasonable material wealth seem to be the primary qualifications for this largely self selecting position.


Appointment is by self nomination and, of course, support or agreement from the already sanctioned council members.


The council is effectively a ruling class and recieves all of the benefits associated.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Most are for life memberships. So death is ultimately one form of dismissal, of course, death takes many forms and there are historical examples of the "people" acting resulting in the death of a council or several for that matter.

Civic, Political
Form of Address
Noble Council (insert Name)