Dragons Species in Kaladaan | World Anvil


Until recently, Dragon where thought to be creatures of myth and legend by the inhabitants of the the combined regions of teritories in Ashnoor sometime referred to as the Entlighten Lands (Kingdom of Geldheim, The Hadovean Empire, The Duchy of Moridale and The Sacred Lands of Doomsayers) However a recent encounter involving Empire and Kingdom forces in the Western Rediscovered lands has proven otherwise.

  There are many within the island of Ashnoor that have been aware of the presence of dragons for quite some time:
  • The Erayax Horde: who discovered quite early on that dragons would not be recruited, or even bred, to their cause and that although they often protect large large hordes of treasure, the consquences for stealing thier horde can be serve as Dragons have been known on some rare occasions to band together to punish pesky humaniods who dare attack any of their kind.
  • The Eastern and Western Rediscovered Lands: Those unfortunate enough to be near a dragon lair place a significant importance in trying to avoid dragons and not attract their attention.
  • The Balthewford Guard. Have known about Dragons since the late 1100's. Over this time they have been studying these creatures. They have also been actively taking steps to keep the existance of these creatures a secret from the inhabitants of the Enlightened Lands for fear that any unwise move regarding them may result in catastrophic consquences. Unfortunately for the Balthewford Guard, the encounter in the Western Rediscoverd land is proving difficult to contain.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

  • They come is a variety of colours
  • They have a fearsome breath weapon which differs based on their colour

Ecology and Habitats

Ecology and habitat vary based on the dragon colour


  • They are higly intellegent and can be highly aggressive when provoked
  • They consider themselves superior to all other species and above their petty conflict
  • If you see one on the battlefirld rest assured it has taken no side and will target all with their attacks

Geographic Distribution

Articles under Dragons