Emperor Rank/Title in Kaladaan | World Anvil


Imperial ruler of the Hadovean Empire. Elected by the Council of Twelve every five years.


Generally (although not essentially) high born.


A wide range of requirements are desired but rarely met
  • diplomacy skills
  • military prowess economic acumen leadership Civil planning
to name a few.


Five year election Cycle run by the council. Many Imperial rulers have multiple terms by election. Some live long enough to retire.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Imperial sceptre:

The Sceptre is an ancient artifact - it's origins unknown.

It is assumed the item contains or once contained ancient technology. Despite this it is a powerful sign of office.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
Imperial Majesty
Source of Authority
The imperial council of twelve elects and the people support
Length of Term
Five year election cycle with no term limits.
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