Erayax Ethnicity in Kaladaan | World Anvil


Referred to as the Erayax horde frequently, the Erayax are the sworn enemy of both the Hadoveans and the Geldheimers.

They are a fearsome and warlike loose confederacy of warbands, tribal groups and city states that together form the great clan council. The council has its own extremely complex heirarchial system. martial based, there is a somewhat flexible mix of influence between individual fighting prowess and military might in terms of numbers. On the "floor" (where ever the council meet to conduct affairs of state) individual prowess carries significant weight, a warband leader killed on the floor is, except in extraordinary circumstances, replaced immediately by the victor of the individual combat.

Like their factional enemies though, they're racially blind meaning the Erayax are also made up of a diverse mix of races.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Feminine names are preceeded by "Na" (could be assumed to be Erayax form of Ms).

Masculine names

Masculine names are preceeded by "Ri".

Unisex names

Identifying names are often used interchangeably between sexes.

The prefix is the sex identifyer.

Family names

The Erayax do not use familial titles as a general rule, they may be referred to as son or daughter of (Na or Ri Dre - Dre meaning from or of) [insert parental names] if from the Erayax version of noble or significant families and clans.


Major language groups and dialects

Many Erayax speak comon, or at least a gutteral form of it.

They also have their own individual language, it is unknown where that developed from.

Shared customary codes and values

One of the most basic comon shared values among the Erayax is the belief that life is itself an ongoing battle.

They are a hardy lot and any challenge will be met with violence.

They are also known to keep and display the heads of the bravest of their enemies they defeat, whether another Erayax or a soft southerner.

Common Dress code

Clothings is one of the symbols among the Erayax of one's place in the heirarchy.
The majority of ordinary people where various versions of tunic, breeches and boots (Gloves and coats etc in cooler times).

Those who have fought their way to the "top" as it were wear finer quality and those at the very top (Chieftens, War Dukes, military leaders of higher rank) may have rank insignia, furs, or specific pieces of armour to denote their higher standing.

Art & Architecture

Among some species of the Erayax, great art is created in almost every medium imaginable.

Architecture also varies from species to species. This creates both beauty and its share of eye sores.

Common Customs, traditions and rituals

Many of the traditions and celebrations observed across the rest of Ashnoor are also observed by the Erayax on the whole.

There are common customs of gift giving and sacrifice when visiting or travelling through other Erayax lands - the sacrifice though may widely vary from racial group to racial group though.

Birth & Baptismal Rites

It is not uncommon for infants only days old to be left outdoors overnight to see if they're sturdy enough for the warrior life.

The few who survive are baptised at a celebration with dancing, fire play and feasting. Ash from one of the many fires is generally patted onto the babies face.

Coming of Age Rites

Early to mid adolescents, youth are scared in combat for the first time by a member of their tribe, family or social group.

Most often the scar will be an insignifant cut somewhere on a limb or their upper body. On occassion the injury may be more serious, eyes have been lost leading to many names throughout history with a version of "the one eye" attached.

Whilst deaths have occured during this right of passage they are not common.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Whilst it is no dishonour to die by accident or from old age or other natural causes, it is the highest honour to fall in battle.

Often times, those fallen in battle simple remain where they fall. Those who die close to or at home are in most cases cremated. Many races share the view this releases the spirt of the dead to an after life. There are as many different ideas about the after life though as their are races.

The battle fallen are celebrated annually with various games, competitions and much consumption of alcohol. It is not unusual for the numers of those falling in combat to increase on this annual event.

Common Myths and Legends

The founder of the Erayax was a goddess who captivated the heart of an orc king and


Beauty Ideals

Given their proud warrior culture, battle scars are considered highly attractive generally among all Erayax despite race, among other things.

Other more subtle beauty ideals will vary from humanoid species to species.

Gender Ideals

Generally, there are no specific ideals, given both sexes perform all roles as required among them.

Courtship Ideals

Despite their warlike and often stoic presentation, particularly among a few species, there are some deeply romantic courtship ideals and practices.

No single ideal is consistent among the Erayax though.

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