Flesh Eater Species in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Flesh Eater

Viscera Utor, more commonly known as the flesh eater, is a forest vine that clings harmlessly to other trees when not out for a kill.
One plant can easily span over a mile, so if you hear the sound of terrified screaming from the woods, its recommended to cover your ears and let the victim be consumed.
The core root base of the adult Viscera Utor features large blade like leaves. In the centre, these expand skyward, extending tiny head vines skyward towards warmth.
Around the perimeter of the plant, leaves push outwards, ready to wrap around their victim. Thick foot vines trail from below the lowest leaves, trailing outwards. Head vines, the most visible part of the plant, extend skyward, trailing from tree to tree like a web.
These small vines are at their thickest, approximately as thick as a woman's pinkie finger, and are drawn to warmth, as warmth helps the plant manufacture the liquifying compound found in the cores bladed leaves.
When prey is in proximity, head vines instinctively move toward their target, sending signals through the plant to the foot vines, which then creep towards their prey. Foot vines are often a deeper green brown in colour and camouflage well in the dirt. The Flowers of the Viscera Utor plant can be as large as a bread plate, and are multi petalled, bright yellow flowers. Although their smell is insanely enticing to anyone who smells it, nobody who has ever lived to tell the tale can quite describe what it smells like.
So vivid is the flowers colour that even in a dimly lit forest, the flowers vibrant hues are highly visible and attract the bystander. Once within distance of the stunning flower, the overwhelming scent attracts the plants prey even closer, this then causes the preys body warmth to attract the plants tiny tendrils to the victim.
Once the tendrils are alerted to the presence of prey, it takes mere moments for the many foot vines to move towards the victim and ensnare them. Viny hands wrap around the victim’s legs, pulling them to the ground and dragging the body towards the plants core.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

The Viscera Utor can not live in direct sunlight and flourishes in forests with a thick canopy.
Featuring large yellow flowers, the Viscera Utor attracts its prey with the amazing scent of its large and impressive blooms.
The plants vines are naturally drawn to the body heat of their prey, the plant then uses ground trailing vines to snag its prey and draw it towards the root source of the plant.
At its source the vine then wraps around the victim, completely encasing the body, before potent chemicals from the plants leaves, liquify the corpse, thus feeding the plant.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The extract of the Viscera Utor’s leaves can be used in powerful magics, but many have died in their venture to obtain these leaves as the necessary leaves are only found around the central core of the plant. They are at their most potent when freshly harvested.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Sparsely distributed in only the most dense forest areas.
Scientific Name
Viscera utor
Average Height
A climbing as well as land creeping plant only restricted by the height of that which it is climbing, can be up to 4 metres wide.
Average Length
Can stretch for miles
Geographic Distribution