Gwaine Sargerous Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Gwaine Sargerous

Gwaine Sargerous

A fanatical paladin whose devotion to the Kingdom of Geldheim is matched only by his devotion to his faith. To the forces of the Hadovean Empire he will show no mercy

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Orphaned as a child. His mother and father died in a raid from sea on his village in Escondia Bay. Although the current war between the Kingdom of Geldheim and the Hadovean Empire had not yet recommenced, it was not uncommon for the occasional “unsanctioned” raid to occur from either side. Gwaine was then taken in and raised by a holy order, garrisoned in the Cloudlands.

Personality Characteristics


His devotion to their god is unbreakable, as is his loyalty to the Kingdom of Geldheim. Capable of great kindness and compassions, he is committed to the protection the king’s loyal subjects, in particular those that also follow his faith. To all others that raise their swords against him however, he shows little mercy. His religious teaching dictates that all those aligned to the Hadovean Empire are an afront to their god. Heathens! Although not completely reckless, Gwaine shows little regard for his safety in combat often charging into the fray. In his eyes there is no greater honour than to die in combat in the name of his deity.

A fanatical paladin whose devotion to the Kingdom of Geldheim is matched only by his devotion to his faith. To the forces of the Hadovean Empire he will show no mercy.

Character Location
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Lawful Good
Current Location
Pale Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
90 kg
Aligned Organization
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