Jarvis Almeric Character in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Jarvis Almeric

Jarvis Almeric

Owner of the Funky Dwarf Tavern in Doomsayers Keep.
You would be hard pressed to find a more likable and friendly individual. Be warned though, if you are part of the establishment, the rich or the powerful, he is probabably running a dozen scams while he is talking to you

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Human, roughly (5”8’) tall with an average build and a friendly face.

Body Features

His eyes are a pale blue in color

Facial Features

Often somewhere between clean shaven and stubble. He has no scars or distinguishing facial feature other than a slight kink in his nose from an altercation long ago

Apparel & Accessories

On occasions that he wears any armor around town it is limited to a leather chest piece and spaulders. Under his armor he wears a green shirt and brown draw string style pants. His leather belt a rusty red color and holds a scabbard for his dagger (the one he is happy for you to see) and 2 fine leather pouches secured by buckles leather. As an extra level of protection, he also carries a small dagger hidden inside his right boot. His coin purse hand from a necklace that he tucks into his shirt, but keeps some coin in his pouches for appearance. Rarely seen without wearing a hemp hat and carrying his quarterstaff.

Personality Characteristics


Profit, information and getting away with general mischief are his main motivations. He does however have some ethical standards, his shady activities are generally targeted at the establishment, the wealthy and the powerful. If anything he can be quite generous to the poor and powerless.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes: Fun, getting away with mischief, conning his way out of a tricky situation, a good yarn Dislikes: getting caught while engaging in mischief.

Vices & Personality flaws

Jarvis does like the odd gamble although he is mindful of his limits and always considers the odds and his objective before engaging in any form of wager. If he can find a way to fix the odds in his favour he will take it.

Personality Quirks

It is very hard to get a straight answer out of Jarvis and will often lie even when there is no reason to. These lies are rarely malicious but often in the form of tall tales or overblown claims regarding the quality of the food and beverages avaialble in the Funky Dwarf tavern


Jarvis has a good level or personal hygiene. No good being stinky when you are trying to scam some fat rich merchant out of his coin.


Contacts & Relations

Jarvis has a variety of shady contacts

Family Ties

Little is known of Jarvis's family and origins. Infact when asked about his origin he will often offer a location which is entirely different from what he told the last person who asked. He is equally conflicting regarding his parents. He is quite open in conveying what occupations his mother and father were involved in however like his own origin, the occupations often change.

Religious Views

Jarvis is not particularly spiritual and does not worship any gods. He believes in their existence like most in the world he resides in does but would rather not draw their attention. Jarvis is not aligned to either the Kingdom of Geldheim or the Hadovean Empire and perfers to remain neutral in the conflict (as there are more opportunities for profit that way)

Social Aptitude

Jarvis is particularly social adept. He is very friendly and outgoing and quick with a humorous tale. He is very well versed in making people feel at easy with him. Behind the friendly demeanor is should be noted that he is regularly working angles although to those he considers his true friends, he is extremely loyal and willing to put himself in harms way to assist them.

Hobbies & Pets

Hobbies generally involve around scams and general mischeif


Jarvis speaks in a cockney accent

Wealth & Financial state

Jarvis is the owner of the Funky Dwarf Tavern (Doomsayers Keep). How he came across it no one rightly knows but it is widely assumed that it was through some manner of deception.

Owner of the Funky Dwarf Tavern in Doomsayers Keep. You would be hard pressed to find a more likable and friendly individual. Be warned though, if you are part of the establishment, the rich or the powerful, he is probably ru

Character Location
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Chaotic Good
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Owner of the Funky Dwarf Tavern
Virtually everywhere in Ashnoor acording to his many stories
Current Residence
Funky Dwarf Tavern - Doomsayers Keep
Pale Blue
Grey / White
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair skinned
90 kg
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Point of order. I think you ave misunderstood me" "I'm just a honest ard working businessman, officer. Honest as the day is long I am" "Ullo then my lovies" "Don't you ever let a chance go by"
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations