Maned Hunting Dog Species in Kaladaan | World Anvil

Maned Hunting Dog

Large and Ranging, Manned Hunting Dogs can be trained to hunt for humans.
Although wild in nature, if reared from pups they can become very loyal.

Basic Information


They have retractile claws, large canine teeth and a very distinctive mane.

Genetics and Reproduction

Male and female reproduce young, female carries pups for about 12 weeks, usual litter size five or six pups.

Growth Rate & Stages

The reach their full size (approximately 1 metre in height on all fours) by around 18 months of age.
In peak health they weigh as much as 80 KG.

Ecology and Habitats

Mostly plains dwellers in the wild. They tend to live in familialt packs of up to around 20 animals at the most.
Often considered predators, however, in the wild they tend to live more a scavenger lifestyle only ever hunting when absolutely necessary.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Large carnivors mainly, however, they have capacity to eat a range of foods to suppliment their meat diet.


Loyal if raised as pups and given a roll to play.
Their size and stamina means they're able to run for miles without pause.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Prediminantly a pack animal, their hierarchy is subtle but there is always a top male and female pair.


Able to be domesticated, however, rarely done with a mature beast.

Raised from puppy they're loyal, easily trained, obedient and protective.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

Frequently used as companion animals by hunters and rangers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Packs can be found all over Ashnoor in plains areas with low to no humanoid population.

Average Intelligence

Considered a highly intelligent hound

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Keen sense of smell, acute hearing and, for a canine, excellent vision.
Scientific Name
Presumably wolves and Dire Wolves
10 - 12 years
Average Height
1 metre on all fours
Average Weight
up to 80 KG
Average Physique
Large chested solid and well muscled animals, particularly in the wild.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Usual colour is Dun Orange to Orche Yellow (In rare cases black). They have green eyes.
Geographic Distribution