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choirs of heaven

Choirs of Heaven

Each god commands many celestials to perform their bidding, but three great choirs of Heaven exist to serve the gods and mortals without prejudice. Thus, the entire celestial host serves the Lords of Heaven. There are three choirs of angels, ranging from the mightiest Seraphim to the lowest Ischim. Principal among the Heavenly host are the Seven Archangels (all of whom are the mightiest solars).   Choirs of Heaven Each god commands many celestials to perform their bidding, but three great choirs of Heaven exist to serve the gods and mortals without prejudice. Thus, the entire celestial host serves the Lords of Heaven. There are three choirs of angels, ranging from the mightiest Seraphim to the lowest Ischim.   Principal among the Heavenly host are the Seven Archangels (all of whom are the mightiest solars).   Mika’il (mee-kah-EEL)   Mika’il, chief among the Archangels, protects the downtrodden and is the champion of those in need. Mika’il is a being of such profound goodness some worship him as a god in his own right. He was once a great div king who was elevated to great power by Morwyn, and raised to be chief of the Archangels after the fall of Iblis.   Jibraiil (zheb-rai-EEL)   Jibraiil, the herald of the gods, marches at the front of the Heavenly host. She is the most charismatic of the Archangels, and it is said that to her voice is so beautiful it makes all other music sound like artless dirges.   Rafaiil (ra-fai-EEL)   Rafaiil, the guide of the lost, is the giver of charity from the gods. It is said that if the gods send a mortal aid, it is Rafaiil who delivers it. Rafaiil oversees Elysium.   Uriel (YUR-ee-el)   Uriel is the protector of Heaven. Mortals only meet with Uriel if they seek entrance through the locked gates to the mountain of Heaven. Uriel also watches over the celestial host, and it was he who cast down the fallen. It is also said Uriel, who is the favorite of Tinel, gave magic back to the mortal races after they lost it out of pride (see the Church of Tinel).   Saraqael (say-RA-kai-el)   Saraqael is the magistrate of Heaven. Saraqael oversees the laws of Heaven and sees to it that all celestials perform their duties under the Compact. She is not well liked by the chaotic gods.   Raguel (RA-gyoo-el)   Raguel is the vengeance of Heaven. Raguel is charged by the gods to smite down those who have grown too high and think themselves equal to the gods (such as all-powerful wizards researching spells to kill the gods), as well as the servants of Asmodeus, when they trespass on the Material Plane for reasons other than upholding the Compact. Raguel is described in Chapter X.   Camael (CAH-mai-el)   Camael attends the thrones of the gods. Camael is, essentially, the minister of the kingdom of Heaven and stands behind the gods. Camael oversees all the workings of the gods’ court and arranges audiences with some of them—a commune spell directed at the Lords of Heaven is a plea to her for a god’s ear. (Some of the gods have servants who communicate for them, and these are mentioned in the appropriate church sections.) The Great Church believes it receives its powers from Camael on behalf of the gods.


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