Morwynes Prayers Holy days and Saints
Morwynite Prayers
The life of a Morwynite is understandably difficult. People disappoint them all the time, and their hopes are often shattered by the petty wickedness of common folk. In their most trying times, the Morwynites utter the following invocation.“Holy Mother, heed my prayer. Lend me your wisdom, So that I might see clearly; Give me your patience, That I might bear what I see.”
Holy Days
The Morwynites have two primary holy weeks. Every spring the Morwynites celebrate the rebirth of Eliwyn, Tinel, Terak, and Zheenkeef in what is called The Five Tears. The celebration takes five days, and is marked with fasting in the daytime, and celebratory feasting at night. The other holy period takes place in the mid-winter and is called the Week of Gifts. All Morwynites remember the many gifts given the mortal races by the gods. They show their gratitude by giving gifts to those in their community who need them most. It is a week in which the poor are fed and clothed, and the homeless are given homes. On the final night of the week, friends and family members give one another gifts. On that final night, they have a great dinner, in which they recite prayers of thanksgiving, and discuss the history and gifts of the gods.Saints
The Supreme Matriarch of the Morwynites delivers the roll of saints and martyrs every seven years from the great healing hall where she resides. Those named are henceforth referred to as “Saint,” regardless of whether they are included on the roll for having been beatified or martyred. A saint is someone who has done great work in the name of Morwyn, such as retrieving an artifact, saving an entire people, standing in the way of some profoundly evil plot. It must be a work of enormous importance, and must be done in Morwyn’s name. It is possible to be sainted in one’s lifetime, and some of the most powerful adventuring Morwynites have been named saints. A saint is introduced as “Saint” and his name, so Amno would be introduced as “Saint Amno,” overriding all other church titles. A martyr is someone who has been killed specifically for her faith by forces opposed to Morwyn. A Morwynite matriarch murdered by Asmodean cultists, her body desecrated, would be declared a martyr if her sad tale reached the ears of the Supreme Matriarch. An adventuring faithful son killed by an ooze would not be martyred, even if he was on a very important quest for the healing halls.
Religious, Organised Religion