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Kaladas, the stolen lands, 193 AN

The Three sisters Holy orders

Holy Orders

Because the triads are not terribly popular, and the Sisters’ clergy and holy warriors are often absent on missions, it is all but impossible to staff a triad with a high-ranking member of each Sister’s clergy. Instead, the three churches have a long-standing arrangement, in which any cleric of a Sister can serve as a “variegate priest” or “variegate priestess” for a period of no less than one year and no more than five years.   A variegate priest puts aside the trappings of the goddess he has served, and wears robes of the three sacred colors: red, gold, and black. He oversees a triad, determining its position on matters both secular and religious. Acting as a cleric of all Three Sisters, he offers spiritual counsel to worshipers of any of the three faiths, and sees to the training of each of their clergies. A variegate priest is addressed as “revered father,” or “revered mother,” and is introduced as a variegate priest, omitting any titles related to a specific Sister.   Variegate priests induct members into the Unity: an order of triad-worshipers. From time to time, three people come to a triad seeking to be bound together as special companions, fates and lives tied together as surely as the Sisters’ were. If the variegate priest believes their intentions are true, he can induct them into the Unity (see “The Unity,” following), after which they are so bound. The average triad has one variegate priest in residence. A few holy warriors and clergy of the individual altars come in from time to time. There are also various acolytes and students in residence, but they do not perform religious functions beyond study and meditation and purposes, a family.   Triads perform the ritual because they believe it is in the forming of such unions that the perfection of the mortal races will be achieved, and paradise will be realized. Priests require a genuine bond, without coercion or inequality, and use test of souls to ensure it exists. The exact nature of the emotional bond varies, ranging from the forms of love that mortal races feel toward one another, to a sense of camaraderie greater than the usual ties which hold teams of hardened adventurers together. When the ritual is complete, the three emerge as a Unity. They take on a new name that all three share, to signify their new familial bond—and indeed, they are all now family in the eyes of the gods.   By becoming a Unity, the three live out the mystery of the Journey to the East. One becomes the Breath, as Naryne is sometimes called, the speaker for the three. One becomes the Eye, as Thellyne is for the Sisters, and observes for the three. One becomes the Arm, as Canelle was, and takes direct action for the Unity. As the three explore their bond it grows stronger, and they develop the ability to perform miraculous deeds together. Characters interested in forming a Unity can do so by taking the Triad Feats
Religious, Holy Order


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